Marshall County Neighborhood Center Gets a $100,000 Boost

The Marshall County Neighborhood Center and the community benefitted by the Dancing with the Stars fundraiser on Saturday night.

Chad Barden from the Neighborhood Center told Max 98.3 FM News that $100,000 was raised to assist those in the community with food, clothes, energy assistance and an on-staff advocate. The advocate helps those struggling to end the cycle of poverty.

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Two Arrested for Alleged Drug Trafficking at Westville Correctional Facility

Two people were arrested on suspicion of trafficking with an inmate at the Westville Correctional Facility.

According to our reporting partners at WNDU-TV, Karrin Ransbottom from Warsaw arrived at the facility on Sunday afternoon to visit an inmate when she was allegedly found to be in possession of drugs after entering the front gate.

When she was questioned about her actions, officers learned that Delbert Schaetzle from Bourbon was reportedly waiting for Ransbottom in her car in the parking lot, according to the report. Correctional police officers took the pair into custody and transported to the LaPorte County Jail.

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John Glenn School Board Hires School Resource Officers

The John Glenn School Board approved the hire of part-time school resource officers. Superintendent Richard Reese said the corporation was the recipient of a school safety grant that helped in this endeavor.

“They only work a couple of hours a day and four officers rotate between the officers in Walkerton and North Liberty,” said Reese. “The state offered the grant which is a matching grant. I think we got $25,000, so we were able to buy security equipment as well as add the school resource officers.”

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Marshall County Council Supports Highway Department Purchase

The Marshall County Council discussed the purchase of a pug mill when the members met Monday morning.

Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters gave the council paperwork on a used pug mill he found in Missouri. He said the machine was purchased by an individual who wanted to try something different with the machine, but it didn’t work out. The machine is now for sale.

Peters said the machine would cost $375,000 brand new, but this machine is selling for $285,000. It would only have a one-year warranty. The purchase of the pug mill would save the county money, according to Peters. When asked by Councilman Rex Gilliland about the savings, Peters said it could be realized almost immediately. Up to $250,000 could be saved in having the machine on-site and making road materials for paving and patching.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

When the Marshall County Council meets today, the members will discuss requests from the clerk’s office and the highway department for the waiver of probationary pay for employees in those departments.

A member of the personnel committee will present a job description recommendation for the coroner and deputy coroner while Sheriff Tom Chamberlin will have a resolution for commissary fund expenditures. The council members will also entertain additional appropriation requests from the Soil and Water District and for capital overlays for the Metronet project.

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Filing Deadline for Plymouth Municipal Candidates Passes

The last day to file for the Plymouth City Municipal Election was Friday at noon in the Marshall County Clerk’s Office.

The newest candidates to file include Democrat Jeffrey R. Houin for an at-large seat on the Plymouth City Council, Democrat Shiloh Fonseca for Plymouth City Council District 3, and Republican Burke L. Richeson for an at-large seat on the Plymouth City Council.

Any candidate in the City of Plymouth election who wishes to withdraw from the ballot can do so today.

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Plymouth Plan Commission President Sounds Off on Sidewalks

The Plymouth Plan Commission is urging the Plymouth City Council to enact an ordinance for residents and business owners to clear sidewalks if there isn’t already a law in place.

Plan Commission President Doug Feece commented in last week’s meeting said the city had trouble clearing the sidewalks on the Michigan Street bridge as a lot of snow fell last week. He said he saw someone walking down Michigan Street in the road on crutches because the sidewalks were snow covered.

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John Glenn Students to Make up Missed Days

Students at the John Glenn School Corporation will be making up days missed due to snow and unsafe road conditions.

Superintendent Richard Reese told Max 98.3 FM News that one day was made up on Jan. 19 and three more days built into the calendar will be used as make up days. Those days are Feb. 13, April 3 and April 6. If inclement weather causes any more school closures, any days missed will be added to the end of the school year.

As previously announced, the school board built five days into the 2015-2016 school calendar to be used as snow days.

Adopt-a-Hunter Continues Memory and Opportunity

Dollars are being accepted to host an event that helps those with mobility issues.

Through their Adopt-a-Hunter program, the Eric Corey Foundation allows those with physical challenges to get away from the recurring doctor’s visits that many live with on a daily basis. The foundation was started after the late 15-year-old, who was an avid hunter, was diagnosed with ALS.
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Advanced Classes Available for Students at John Glenn

The John Glenn School Board heard a presentation from teacher and AP Dual Credit Coordinator Dan Drotar about the number of those classes available at the corporation.

Superintendent Richard Reese said there are a few classes that students can take as dual credit classes.

“We have 18 classes that we offer that students can get dual credits for – both college and high school credits,” said Reese. “Some of those are offered for three credits and others for four credits and five credits. Those credits are offered through Purdue University, Purdue-North Central, and Ivy Tech.”

There are nine AP classes available for students.

“We have nine AP classes that we offer. They are Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Government, Literature, regular English and Composition, Physics, and World History. The majority of those are taken at the junior and senior level and we do have one offered at the sophomore level.”

Having these classes available for students will help them better prepare for college and give them a head start at the college level.