Marshall County Council Supports Culver’s Stellar Communities Projects

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe and Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist went before the Marshall County Council to ask for a letter of support to include in their application for the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Munroe mentioned that the town is attempting to show that the town is working with the county and that the county can benefit from the projects that are proposed in the Stellar Communities plan. The commissioners have already approved an in-kind donation of the installation of one mile of the walking/biking trail through the Culver Town Park and around Lake Maxinkuckee. The township is also putting forth support of the Cavalier Sports Center for upgrades and additions to the facilities at the Culver Community School Corporation. Several local and county organizations have offered grant match money for the various projects in the plan as well as in-kind donations and volunteer efforts.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

Marshall County Commissioner Kurt Garner will appear before the Marshall County Council members to offer the county’s road plan for the Community Crossings grant.

The commissioners approved the list last week and intend to have the input of the council and MACOG before submitting the final list to the state for consideration. The match is 75/25 this year and will be more competitive as smaller communities will be able to put in their project proposals as the local match is lower than in past years.

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Marshall County Council Discusses Pay Increases

The Marshall County Council will be entering into budget negotiations soon and discussed the potential for full-time employee salary increases.

Historically, the council has always recommended a three percent raise each year. Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill said it’s not known where the county will sit at the time the budget discussion begins and the three percent increase may not be met.

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Employment Opportunities are Available in Marshall County

There are about 200 jobs available in Marshall County right now with even more openings with the preliminary notice of expansion of a few companies in the next couple of years.

That’s what Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive (MCEDC) Director and CEO Jerry Chavez outlined in his annual report to the Marshall County Council on Monday morning.

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Marshall County Council Supports Match for Community Crossings Grant

The Marshall County Council members gave their support to match funds toward a $1 million Community Crossings grant for work on the county’s roads and bridges. Even though the county is eligible for a 75/25 grant match split this year it was suggested to officials that the application include project plans in the $1.3 to $1.4 million range in order to capture that full $1 million match.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

The Marshall County Council will get an update on INDOT’s Community Crossings Grant when they meet this morning. Commissioner Kurt Garner attended the meeting along with other county representatives and he will provide a report.

County Maintenance Supervisor Doug Masterson will have a request for an additional appropriation while Christine Stinson will have a request to apply for a grant. Sheriff Matt Hassel will present a job description waiver request. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Considers EMA, Clerk Requests

The county will receive funds for the emergency management agency director’s salary.

Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery asked the county council this week for permission to apply for the 2016 performance grant. Avery explained that the grant will pay for half of his salary from last year in the amount of $22,000. It’s an annual grant that the county receives every year as Avery qualifies for certain requirements during the year. The council approved the request and complimented him on his continued efforts as head of the EMA.

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Marshall County Council Approves Highway Department Fund Reduction

A reduction in funds as mandated by the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) will leave the Marshall County Highway Department short in available funds this year.

The Marshall County Council was notified of the reduction at the beginning of April, but decided to hold off on approving the action until Highway Supervisor Jason Peters and Highway Administrator Laurie Baker could review their budget to determine where to make those cuts.

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Marshall County 4-H Fair Board Seeks Grant Application Approval

The Marshall County 4-H Fair Board is looking to apply for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant to help pay for a new community center and Fair Board President Rob Hurford asked the county council’s permission Monday night to move forward with that project.

He explained that the community center will be a revenue generating feature on the fairgrounds to help fund operations. Hurford said the center can function as a reception hall for weddings as the plan calls for a seating capacity of 450. It can also be used for senior services, community meetings, auctions, graduation parties, and a multitude of other uses.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Tonight

The Marshall County Council will meet tonight with a full agenda.

The personnel committee is expected to have updates on position descriptions for several different county entities while EMA Director Clyde Avery will present a grant request for the annual performance grant. Clerk Deb VanDeMark will request a waiver of the probationary pay for one of her staff members and several abatement requests will be on the table for council discussion.

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Marshall County Council Discusses Waiver for Museum Assistant Director

The probationary period of pay for the newly installed Assistant Director of the Marshall County Museum was discussed by the Marshall County Council this week.

Museum Director Linda Rippy presented the request.

“The assistant director who’s working there now, Sue Irwin, has been there over three years,” explained Rippy. “In the last year, at least, she’s been doing the same duties that an assistant director would have been doing. So, we’re asking to waive that probationary period.”

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More Funding Cuts to Highway Department Budget

The Marshall County Highway Department will need to find ways to cut additional funds from its operating budget this year.

The county council received word that the Department of Local Government Finance made the decision to reduce $23,406 from the highway department’s budget. The initial decision on how to make those cuts fell on the county council, but Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill urged the governing body to allow Highway Administrator Laurie Baker and Highway Supervisor Jason Peters to make those funding reductions as they see fit. The council will review those cuts at their May meeting after they are advertised.

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