Replacement for Marshall County Plan Director Found

An offer of employment has been extended to Ty Adley, who is scheduled to take over for Marshall County Plan Director Ralph Booker once he retires.

At last Monday’s Marshall County Commissioners’ meeting, Commissioner Mike Delp noted that as long as Adley passes the background check and the preliminary steps involved in the hiring process, he will officially replace Booker on July 1st. Continue reading

Commissioners Receive Update About Marshall County Council on Aging

Marshall County Commissioners recently heard a presentation from Jackie Wright with the Marshall County Council on Aging.

Wright came before the commissioners previously to obtain permission to apply for public transit funds from INDOT. At that time, she was asked to gather some more specific details and come back to another meeting.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer noted that one reason she was asked to return is because the County will soon be preparing their budget and since an $8,000 donation is provided to the Council on Aging annually, he just wanted the commissioners to hear a bit of an update organization’s operations. Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners Approve Bridge Inspection Contract with INDOT

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters presented County Commissioners with a bridge inspection contract when they met Monday night.

Peters first stated that an agreement between the county and USI Consultants, the company that will be performing the inspections, has already been made and he noted that contract was approved during a past meeting.

He explained the contract presented this week is between the county and the Indiana Department of Transportation. Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners Address Accidental Mowing on Pretty Lake Trail

The unintentional mowing of a man’s plants that are placed in the County’s right-of-way sparked a discussion during the Marshall County Commissioners’ meeting Monday evening.

Commissioner Mike Delp began by recognizing that the plants were mowed accidentally and explained that the mowing crews did not realize they were placed there intentionally.

Marc Eads, a resident of Pretty Lake Trail in Plymouth, went on to discuss the strategic placement of the plants. He said they are a part of what is called a “bioswale” which assists with drainage. Continue reading