Triton School Board to Move Forward with Building Projects

The Triton Community School Board held a public hearing concerning a few projects planned that will be under construction in 2018.

Superintendent Donna Burroughs said a new HVAC system will be installed at the elementary school as part of this project.

“We’re looking at replacing the heating and cooling system at the elementary school,” said Burroughs. “It’s over 25 years old now and not working properly and it’s hard to get parts. The elementary project will be about $800,000 or a little more.” Continue reading

Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Accepts Land Sale Proceeds

Mayor Mark Senter (L) accepts a check on behalf of the city from David Miller and Patty Van Vactor Wright

Representatives from Van Vactor Farms, Inc. presented the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety a check this week for their portion of the proceeds of the land sale at the techFarms site.

Patty Van Vactor Wright and David Miller presented a giant check in the amount of $111,493 for the city’s Monetary Gift Fund.

The techFarm is located on Miller Drive and Pioneer Drive on the west side of Plymouth and consists of 20 acres zoned industrial and 11.3 acres zoned as commercial land. The city helped extend infrastructure to the park in 2010 so the site is ready for development.

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Students Take Advantage of Free Breakfast and Lunch at Culver Sites

The staff at the Culver School Corporation and staff at locations throughout the Culver area are offering free breakfast and lunch as part of the federal Summer Food Service Program.

Culver’s efforts began on June 5 and just a few students have accepted meals at the Culver High School, 30 students for breakfast and 60 students for lunch at the Culver Elementary School, 15 students for lunch only at the Monterey Public Library, 20-25 students for lunch at the Leiters Ford Community Building, 15-20 children at the Ora Gospel Church and 15-20 kids for lunch only at the Culver-Union Township Public Library.

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Marshall County Courthouse Art Contest Entries on Display

Five area artists have entered paintings to compete in the Marshall County Courthouse art contest. The winner of this contest will have their painting on permanent display as part of the courthouse collection belonging to the Indiana State Bar Association.

Oil, pastels, watercolor and charcoal were used to make up the artists’ vision of the historic Marshall County structure.

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Plymouth City Engineer Presents Preliminary Pavement Asset Management Plan

The preliminary Pavement Asset Management Plan was presented to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety on Monday.

City Engineer Rick Gaul explained that one goal is to improve the overall weighted average ratings of existing streets. The expected pavement level of service is to maintain 50 percent of the street rating as “Good”. According to the preliminary plan, the PASER rating will be equal to or greater than eight. Those include roads that are newly paved, crack seal coated or overlaid. Anything less will be deemed fair to poor. Several other criteria will be assessed in the plan including street traffic types, street traffic volume, utilities, and right-of-ways. A final plan will be submitted at the board’s next meeting.

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Stellar Fest this Saturday in Culver

The Town of Culver is hosting a Stellar Fest this Saturday at the Culver Town Park from 10 a.m. to noon ET.

A lot of activities are packed into this two-hour event. Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Main Street designation recognition is right at the beginning of the event. Kids crafts will be offered as well as a “Choose Culver” board where residents can write down what they love about Culver. Leist added that a mock-up of a new Culver sign will be revealed and a new town logo. Stop by the Culver Farmer’s Market during the event and shop for locally grown products.

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Walkerton Community to Say Goodbye to Beloved Teacher

The Walkerton community was saddened to learn of the passing of John Glenn High School Band Director Daniel Fortlander. An outpouring of emotional support from former and current students in addition to area band directors blanketed social media with story offerings, fun moments and fond memories of time spent with the popular band teacher.

He passed away on Saturday, June 10 after a sudden illness.

Mr. Fortlander had been with the John Glenn High School as band director for 32 years. He received his Bachelor of Music degree in 1978 from Ball State University.

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Local School Receives Advanced Placement Award

The Indiana Department of Education announced the 2016 Advanced Placement award recipients. In order to receive the recognition, schools must have at least 25 percent of their 2016 graduating class received a 3 or 4 on an AP exam.

Plymouth High School is among the list of 73 schools chosen to receive the Advanced Placement award. An award ceremony was held Wednesday afternoon in the Indiana Statehouse.

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Employment Opportunities are Available in Marshall County

There are about 200 jobs available in Marshall County right now with even more openings with the preliminary notice of expansion of a few companies in the next couple of years.

That’s what Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive (MCEDC) Director and CEO Jerry Chavez outlined in his annual report to the Marshall County Council on Monday morning.

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Next Step Approved in Plymouth City Hall Renovation Project

Plymouth City Building

The Plymouth City Council took action Monday night to take another step closer in the city building renovation project.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi presented a resolution that would approve a lease between the Plymouth Redevelopment Authority and the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission and the issuance of lease rental bonds by the Plymouth Redevelopment Authority.

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Town of Bremen to Receive Funding for Housing Project

The Town of Bremen will receive some grant funding to assist with a housing project in the southeast side of town.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX 98.3 FM news that Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director and CEO Jerry Chavez reported to the Bremen Town Council that the funding would come from Regional Cities. Weldy anticipates funds from $50,000 to $100,000 will help with the housing development in town. The development is also being financially supported by a private investor.

The Rolling Meadows housing project will develop 15 condos and single family homes. Three out of the 53 available lots have already been sold along with two condos.

Culver Town Council Adopts Financial Resolution to Purchase New Ambulance

The Culver Town Council Tuesday night reviewed a resolution outlining the terms of a financial plan to purchase a new ambulance for Culver Emergency Medical Services.

The lowest bid for a 2017 ambulance came from Medix in the amount of $127,865. The Union Township Trustee and the Town of Culver will equally split the cost of the vehicle. The township will provide $63,932.50 while $20,000 will come from this year’s EMS budget. The town will complete the funding with $43,932.50 from the General Fund.

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Marshall County Relay for Life Set for June 17

The Marshall County Relay for Life is Saturday, June 17 from noon to midnight at River Park Square in Plymouth.

Organizer Joan Hunt says a new event will kick off the relay on Saturday morning.

“This year we’re going to have a survivor brunch and that will be the day of the relay at 10 a.m. at Christos Banquet Center,” said Hunt. “We want to really remember that the relay is about remembering people that have passed, celebrating those who are survivors and that we’re getting educated to do our best to help fight the battle against cancer because we really need to take care of this disease.”

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Marshall County Council Supports Match for Community Crossings Grant

The Marshall County Council members gave their support to match funds toward a $1 million Community Crossings grant for work on the county’s roads and bridges. Even though the county is eligible for a 75/25 grant match split this year it was suggested to officials that the application include project plans in the $1.3 to $1.4 million range in order to capture that full $1 million match.

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Plymouth City Council Discusses Police Department Salaries

Officers with the Plymouth Police Department will be getting a raise.

Councilmen Don Ecker, Jr., Gary Cook and Bill Walters conducted a wage study with other departments around the area and found that Plymouth isn’t as competitive with wages as surrounding departments. The base salary was one of the lowest in departments comparable to the Plymouth Police Department.

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Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Blesses MCEDC Proposed Project

A proposed building project could entice a manufacturing facility to set up operations in Plymouth.

Marshall County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) Executive Director and CEO Jerry Chavez told the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Monday night that preliminary plans are set in motion to build a manufacturing center. Chavez said the building would be similar to the facility now occupied by Pretzels, Inc. The structure would be move-in ready for any company to set up their business to best suit the company’s needs.

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