Dermody Weighing Many Sides in Sunday Alcohol Debate

20th District State Representative Tom Dermody says he is still evaluating a bill that could affect consumers in Indiana.

House Bill 1026 would allow for those with a proper permit to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sundays in the state. The bill, filed this week in Indianapolis, has not been presented to Representative Dermody – who chairs the often controversial Public Policy Committee.
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Marshall County Commissioners Sign Grant, Get Update from Highway Department

The Marshall County Commissioners signed grant paperwork so EMA Director Clyde Avery can order equipment. The commissioners previously approved the 2014 Department of Homeland Security grant worth $20,000 to order newer 800 MHz radios to have on hand.

Highway Administrator Laurie Baker informed the commissioners that bridge inspections are ongoing. The department has gotten a bill for $78,967 for work already completed on the first phase. The inspections are about 60 percent complete. INDOT will reimburse the county for 80 percent of the cost.

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Knox Schools Await Potential Education Funding Reforms

The Indiana General Assembly is anticipated to consider certain reforms to funding education, and Knox Community Schools is considering their options.

Governor Mike Pence has said he wants the legislative session that started Tuesday to be an “education session.” Discussions have included lifting the cap on education vouchers and reforming the school funding formula.
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Marshall County Officials Implement Advisory Travel Level

winter-weatherThe Marshall County Commissioners and EMA Director Clyde Avery have implemented an advisory level travel restriction.

The advisory level is the lowest level when talking about travel restrictions. The advisory level means that routine travel or activities may be restricted in areas because of a hazardous situation and individuals should use caution or avoid those areas.

Avery explained that the primary concern that officials have are that the roads are snow covered, slick and hazardous. Visibility is reduced due to blowing snow.

Prevent Against Hypothermia and Frostbite

With wind chills dipping well below zero for the next couple of days, protect yourself against the effects of hypothermia.

Your body temperature drops after prolonged exposure to the cold which causes abnormal activity of the heart, nervous system and other organs, according to information released by the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of mild hypothermia include: shivering, dizziness, hunger, nausea, trouble speaking, slight confusion, fatigue, and increased heart rate

An older person may develop mild hypothermia after prolonged exposure to cooler indoor temperatures that may be tolerable by younger people. Signs and symptoms in these cases may not be as obvious.

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Great Lakes Lab Contract Approved

The Marshall County Commissioners discussed a contract with the Great Lakes Lab through the prosecutor’s office.

The Great Lakes Lab provides forensic services for Marshall County. All of the law enforcement agencies in the county may send drug samples or alcohol tests for analysis with this lab company. The number of tests that have been requested through the lab by Marshall County officers has dropped since 2013. As a result, the contract price has decreased.

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Municipal Election Candidate Filing Begins Today

Today is the first day to file for candidacy for the Municipal Election. Candidates may file in the county clerk’s office.

Municipal offices up for election in Marshall County include the mayor of Plymouth, clerk-treasurer in Argos, Bourbon, Bremen, Culver, LaPaz, and Plymouth. Voters will also elect three council members in Argos, two in Bourbon, four in Culver and three in LaPaz. All five city council seats in Plymouth are on the ballot as well as two additional at-large seats.

Marshall County Ready for Severe Winter Weather

snow-plowThe Marshall County Emergency Management Agency, sheriff’s department and highway department are prepared for any type of weather situation, including snow.

Director Clyde Avery said he and the Marshall County Commissioners will be following the state criteria when coming to decisions about travel restrictions. There are three categories for those restrictions. The lowest level is advisory.

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GIS Data Contract Approved for Plymouth Trail Project

The Marshall County Commissioners have approved a measure to help the City of Plymouth move forward with the Greenway Trail.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi told the commissioners last week that the city is attempting to complete phase two of the grant-funded project. Officials with SEH Engineering need GIS data in order to continue with the design work.

“In order for them to prepare the plans, they would like to have some GIS data for that area,” explained Surrisi. “We’ve made a similar request before and we were able to put together a contract where we signed off and said we were guaranteeing that the contractors were just going to use the information for this project and not for any other commercial purposes.”

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Culver Community School Board Reorganizes, Approves Master Agenda

Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel
Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos
Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel

The Culver Community School Board elected officers for 2015 after the swearing-in of recently reelected members Jack Jones, William Sonnemaker and Ryan Sieber. Ken Vandeputte replaces Jack Jones as president. Jim Wentzel succeeds Vandeputte as vice president, and Mark Maes took over Wentzel’s previous seat of secretary.

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Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Juvenile Detention Center Contract

The Marshall County Commissioners received clarification on a proposed contract for 2015 with the Muskegon River Youth Center in Logoda.

James Pheibush from the probation department explained that he negotiated with the detention center for point to point transport.

“For $149, they will transport a kid from point A to point B which I think is cheap,” stated Pheibush. “If they exceed eight hours in a transport, it’s $238 and I thought that was a bargain compared to having one of our road officers tied up for that many hours and other legal questions involved.”

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Marshall County Commissioners Reappoint Department Heads, Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners reappointed department heads last week.

Doug Masterton was retained as buildings and grounds maintenance supervisor, Jason Peters as supervisor of county highways, Laurie Baker as highway administrator, Chuck DeWitt as building inspector, Gary Masterson as jail maintenance supervisor, Clyde Avery as EMA director, Michael Marshall as IT director Linda Rippe as museum director, Pam Schweitzer-Betz as veteran’s service officer, and Jim Clevenger as county attorney.

The commissioners will meet this morning at 8:30 a.m. ET for their first regular meeting of the new year with Julie Fox as the newly elected auditor and Kurt West Garner who is beginning a four-year term in the commissioner in District 1 seat.

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