Marshall County Economic Development Taking On Capital Campaign

The Marshall County Economic Development Corporation will be looking for additional money to aid in their efforts.

The non-profit partnership was developed in 2007, but is now turning its focus toward expanding its efforts. According to a press release, the company is launching “Invest in Marshall County,” a four-year capital campaign to help raise about $200-thousand annually.
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Culver’s Affordable Housing Project Works Through Vicious Circle

The Town of Culver is still loosely working to attract affordable housing to the lake community.

Major employers provided demographic data about their employees to the Town in the hopes of better assembling data to present to developers. Next on the list is conducting a market analysis to show developers whether a strong demand exists for affordable housing in Culver.
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Plymouth Students Continue Tradition with Spring Variety Show

Fine Arts students at Plymouth High School will be showcasing their talents on Friday and Saturday.

The students have assembled their spring production which, this year, will once again be a variety show. Over 100 students involved in different groups, such as: the Pit Band, Chorus, Crimson Connection, Winter Guard, and Drum Line will participate. According to a press release, the show is being called “Time Machine.”

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Local School Named Four Star School

A local high school is among 281 statewide schools designated as Four Star Schools for the 2013-2014 school year.

Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz announced Tuesday that John Glenn High School was recognized as a Four Star School.

Four Star Schools must be in the top 25th percentile on ISTEP English/Language Arts and Math scores. They must also earn an “A” in the state’s accountability rankings and be accredited by the Indiana Department of Education. In addition, the requirement of 95 percent student participation rate has to be met.

Marshall County United Way Event to Honor Volunteers

Efforts by individuals and businesses across Marshall County will be recognized in a special event tomorrow evening in Plymouth.

The United Way of Marshall County’s Campaign Volunteer and Donor Recognition will focus on the 2014 sensational seven campaign chairs. They include Donna Burroughs, Pam Mahler-Lee, Ginny Munroe, Cindy Rash, Debi Sahlhoff and Jeannette Teall. In addition to being honored with this distinction, Cindy Rash will also be recognized as the Volunteer of the Year Award for Marshall County by the Indiana Association of United Ways.

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Know Local Requirements Before Scheduling Yard Sales

Many residents will be shopping at their neighbor’s homes for deals when the yard sale season gets underway this summer.

The City of Plymouth does not have a yard sale permitting process, however the city’s sign ordinance regulates where yard sale signs can be posted to advertise the event. They can’t be hung on telephone poles, fire alarms or any other pole constructed by the authority of the Plymouth Common Council. Here is a copy of the ordinance section: City of Plymouth Sign Ordinance. Individual residents are allowed to have up to three sales per year.

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Plymouth Board of Works to Award Capital Project Contracts

The Plymouth Board of Public Works will award several contracts for the wastewater treatment plant improvement project when they meet this evening. Bids were opened and taken under advisement two weeks ago for the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant, water main extension and Ledyard Water Treatment Plant storage building. The board will also approve the signing of contracts with Midwestern Engineers for the project. Continue reading

Slow Absentee Voter Turnout in Primary Municipal Election

The absentee voting turnout in Marshall County continues to move along at a slow pace in this year’s City of Plymouth Primary Municipal Election.

Fifty-three mail-in, travel board and in-office ballots have been cast.

The opportunity to vote absentee in the clerk’s office is today and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In-office absentee hours will continue Saturday, May 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Monday, May 4 from 8 a.m. to noon. The Primary Municipal Election is Tuesday, May 5.

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