Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury
River Park Square Phase II is in the close out process in terms of final paperwork which should be complete within two months
City of Plymouth Attorney Sean Surrisi provided an update to the Plymouth Common Council on the status of several projects including River Park Square Project Phase II and the Greenways Trail Project Phase III during the last regular meeting.
The Plymouth Common Council approved Ordinance No. 2023-2214 An Ordinance to Authorize Allowances to City Employees and Officials for Mileage and Meals on second and third read during the most recent meeting.
The Plymouth Common Council held a Public Hearing and approved Resolution No. 2023-1051 Additional Appropriations Solution. The allocations were previously approved during the last meeting; however it had been advertised one day short of Department of Local Government Finance Compliance. It was advertised again.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury Tactical Urbanism Project located at Plymouth High School.
PLYMOUTH — City of Plymouth Attorney Sean Surrisi and Street Superintendent James Marquardt opened bids for the 2023 Street Paving Projects during the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety (BPWS) meeting.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury Wells that are being monitored at the corner of Jefferson Street and Michigan Street through the Petroleum Orphan Sites Initiative (POSI).
PLYMOUTH — During the regular Board of Public Works and Safety (BPWS) meeting Monday evening, board member Jeff Houin shared concerns expressed to him by members of the public regarding the care and keeping of the “pocket park” on the corner of Jefferson St. and Michigan St.
PLYMOUTH — The Plymouth Common Council approved Resolution No. 2023-1052 confirming the adoption of a declaratory resolution designating certain real estate within the city of Plymouth to be within an “economic revitalization area” for purposes of real and personal property tax abatement for American Containers, Inc..
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury
The Plymouth Common Council approved $68,609.25 for an Ambulance Chassis from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund for an ambulance chassis which will replace MEDIC 1 for the Plymouth Fire Department. Shown in photo from left to right: Firefighter – Emergency Medical Technician Heath Neidig, Assistant Fire Chief Mike Jernstrom, Emergency Medical Services Training Officer Lisa Richards, Firefighter – Emergency Medical Technician Keegan Holland, Firefighter – Emergency Medical Technician – Fire Training Officer Justyn Wade, and Fire Chief Steve Holm
PLYMOUTH — The Plymouth Common Council held a public hearing and approved Resolution No. 2023-1051 Additional Appropriations Resolution.
Photo Provided (City of Plymouth, IN – Mayor’s Office)
Plymouth Police Chief David Bacon, City of Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter, Plymouth Police Officer Jakub Mark, and Plymouth Police Officer and Field Training Officer Matthew Emenhiser
PLYMOUTH — During the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, Plymouth Police Department (PPD) Chief David Bacon informed the board that new PPD Officer Jakub Mark was sworn in Monday morning. There are still three openings to join the PPD team with several applications having been submitted; several pending background investigations.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury
Helen and Heather Johnson of the Tippecanoe Wythougan Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Bourbon Town Council members heard from Helen and Heather Johnson of the Tippecanoe Wythougan Daughters of the American Revolution who presented information on an opportunity for residents to purchase banners of their veteran loved ones – past and present – to be displayed through the town.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury Wild Rose Moon Artistic Director George Schricker
The Plymouth Common Council amended the previous approval of a Facade Grant for Wild Rose Moon to increase it to the full 20% of cost for eligible repairs. During the previous Common Council meeting the grant was approved for 20% of total cost of repairs; not including the amount covered by an OCRA grant. Upon further review of past approvals, it was discovered that The REES benefited from multiple grants for the roof. To maintain consistency and fairness; the Council revisited the issue at the recommendation of Councilman Duane Culp and approved the 20% match for the approximately $75,000 total project cost which included coverage from the OCRA grant.
Plymouth Municipal Airport Manager Bill Sheley updated the Plymouth Board of Public Works last week that the 2022 Discretionary Funding is imminent from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). About $268M will be divided among airports across the country; but Sheley said that he believed the airport would be designated funding for paving the taxiway in the amount of approximately $3M.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury Barbara Holcomb
Barbara Holcomb approached the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety to request the placement of a crosswalk on William St. for Trinity United Methodist Church.
Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury
View of pedestrian bridge across from exit to 1 Big Red Drive at the Plymouth High School. One of two locations approved by the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety for a Tactical Urbanism Project during the month of May.
The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety (BPWS) approved the request made by the Plymouth Complete Streets Committee to install two Tactical Urban Projects in the month of May.
Utilities Superintendent Donnie Davidson presented a proposal for a flood control solution to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety for the corner of Garro St. and Plum St. This lot is where the old Eagles Building sits; and is across from the Marshall County Neighborhood Center. Davidson said, “Historically that area has received a lot of flooding. Recently it caused major damage mainly to the Neighborhood Center.”
The Bourbon Town Council held a Public Hearing to re-establish the Cumulative Capital Development (CCD) Rate. The council approved an ordinance which re-established the fund and set the rate at .05 per $100 of assessed valuation. It begins with taxes payable in 2024.
PLYMOUTH — Plymouth Police Department (PPD) Chief David Bacon updated the Plymouth Board of Public Works during their last March meeting that new Officer Kenton Lovely was sworn in. He also updated the board that PPD is down two squad cars due to two accidents.