Art in the Street Event Scheduled for Saturday

The 4th annual Art in the Street event is set for Saturday in downtown Plymouth.

It’s an art block party as art vendors will cascade Michigan Street from LaPorte to Garro Streets. Oil paintings, stained glass, photography, ceramics, metal work, watercolor, knitted items, hand-beaded semi-precious stone jewelry, and cutting boards are just a few of the things you’ll find from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.

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Public Hearing Tonight for Intersection Improvement

Officials from the Indiana Department of Transportation will be hosting a public hearing tonight to gather comments on the proposed J-turn intersection on U.S. 31 at State Road 10 and State Road 110 in Marshall County. An open house is set for 6 p.m. with the formal presentation at 6:30 p.m. at the Argos Town Hall, 201 W. Walnut Street.

According to INDOT, J-turn intersections enhance safety by preventing direct crossing and left turn movements. These types of intersections are generally limited to locations where the main road has four or more through lanes divided by a median. They are meant to improve the ability of traffic to cross a multilane divided highway from a crossroad, and reduce the number of traffic signal phases.

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Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Hold Public Hearing

Plymouth City Building

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission will hold a public hearing tonight concerning a lease between the Plymouth Redevelopment Authority and the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission for the proposed city building and chamber of commerce renovation project.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained that the commission will sign over the title of the building to the Redevelopment Authority who will hold the title throughout the 10-year term of the lease. The title can transfer back to the city from the Redevelopment Authority at the end of the term when nothing is due.

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Culver Community School Interim Superintendent Attends Last Board Meeting

Chuck Kitchell

Culver Community School Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell attended his last school board meeting Monday night.

Kitchell served the corporation in several different capacities from teacher to coach and from assistant principal to interim superintendent. He ended the school board meeting with just a few words.

“I’d like to thank the board members for your courage and your support especially for the last year-and-a-half ,” said Kitchell. “More importantly I’d like to thank the administration, the staff and the community for allowing to work with the students of this community for 28 years. That was never my plan when I came to town (laughs). Exactly 31 years ago I was a basketball coach at the time and I was going to coach three or four years and then I was moving on. As so many of you know, something happens when you come to Culver. You have a tendency to want to stay here.”

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Apple Road Closed for Bridge Work

Apple Road in Marshall County is closed so crews can demolish the Apple Road bridge.

LaPorte Construction is doing the bridge work. The commissioners approved a bid from the company in March in the amount of $274,774.68 to replace the bridge.

Bridge #174, or Apple Road bridge, is on Apple Road over the Yellow Creek, north of State Road 25 before the railroad tracks. Workers have a 75-day window in which to complete the project.

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Public Hearing Set for Reestablishment of Cumulative Capital Development Fund Rate

The Department of Local Government Finance has scheduled a public hearing to gather written and verbal testimony from Marshall County residents who signed a petition opposing the proposed reestablishment of the Cumulative Capital Development fund at its maximum rate of $.0333 per $100 of assessed valuation.

Following the hearing, the DLGF will certify approval, disapproval, or modifications of the county’s proposal and submit that to the county.

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Microsurface Project to Begin This Week

The microsurface project in Plymouth will begin a few days early.

Chris Oakes, owner of Pavement Solutions, Inc., said work will begin mid-week to level and surface course Oakhill Avenue from S. Michigan Street to the city limits near the waste water and public works offices. Flaggers will be directing traffic and one lane of traffic will remain open at all times. This process should take three days, weather permitting.

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Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Looking for Firefighters

Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield is in need of firefighters.

He told the Culver Town Council last week that one more volunteer firefighter has left so the department is down to 17 firefighters. The department used to see around 23 to 25 firefighters on staff.

Wakefield is nearly set to hire one firefighter after the applicant passes drug testing and other requirements before hire. He previously served as a firefighter with Culver, but all of the procedures need to be followed before he is officially hired. The town council unanimously approved Wakefield’s request to move forward with testing.

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Monterey Deaths Under Investigation with Sheriff’s Department

Detectives and officers from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department are investigating the deaths of two Monterey residents.

According to Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin, a caller notified police around 9:30 p.m. on Friday, June 17 that there was a cause for concern when a co-worker did not check in for work that day. The responding officer arrived at the home and talked to a family member who told the officer that two people were deceased inside the residence. The responding officer entered victim’s residence at 8893 S. Elm Street in Monterey where two people were found dead.

The initial investigation revealed that Lynn Foster, 52, and Clifford Foster, 53, both of Monterey, were found with single gunshot wounds. The manner and cause of death will be determined by forensic autopsies scheduled for Monday, June 19.

Indiana State Police Crime Scene Technicians assisted to help gather evidence and process the scene. The Starke County Sheriff’s Department was also assisted by the Knox City Police Department, North Judson Police Department and the Starke County Coroner’s Office.

Plymouth Board of Works and Public Safety Takes Lease Proposal Under Advisement

Emanuel Reese submitted a proposal to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety for his business this week.

According to Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi, Reese has added new BBQ grills to his operation at Reese’s Family Ribs at 208 Water Street. He asked the city to formally lease the two parking spaces that he is currently using for his grills. Surrisi says Reese has agreed to pay $10 a month to rent the parking spaces plus semi-annual taxes, as the city-owned property becomes taxable once it is put to commercial use. He asked that the lease begin July 1.

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Culver Town Council Approves Culver Lake Fest Event

The Culver Town Council received an official permit request for the annual Culver Lake Fest event.

The annual celebration is scheduled for July 14-16 at the Culver Town Park. Town Manager Jonathan Leist explained to the council that a trolley will be taking visitors to and from the event which is a new feature this year. Residents will park at the Culver Community High School and be transported to the location of the festivities.

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Ancilla College Schedules July Open House

An open house for high school athletes, adults and military veterans is set for Thursday, July 20 at Ancilla College.

Prospective students interested in earning a college degree can visit the campus from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Counselors, faculty and staff will be on hand to answer any questions about a wide variety of degree options, scholarships, classes, plus campus programs and activities.

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State Road 17 Project on Schedule

The State Road 17 resurfacing project in Marshall County is on schedule.

According to INDOT Media Relations Director Doug Moats, the project manager indicates that side street approaches will be done by the end of the day today and all main line paving in Plymouth city limits is complete.

The surface paving project south of Plymouth will resume on Monday, June 19 and will be complete by Friday, June 23.

Parking space striping will soon be done by the Plymouth Street Department.

Marshall County Council Discusses Pay Increases

The Marshall County Council will be entering into budget negotiations soon and discussed the potential for full-time employee salary increases.

Historically, the council has always recommended a three percent raise each year. Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill said it’s not known where the county will sit at the time the budget discussion begins and the three percent increase may not be met.

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Culver Town Council Approves Beach Lodge Renovation Plan Resolution

The Culver Town Council this week reviewed a resolution for renovations to the Culver Beach Lodge.

A Community Development Block Grant of $15,000 was awarded to the town with a local match of $3,500 for the renovations. Officials with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs have reviewed the plans and are satisfied with how the grant money will be utilized.

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