Marshall County Veteran’s Service Officer to Attend Training

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

Marshall County Veterans Service Officer Pam Schweizer-Betz received support on Monday morning from the county commissioners to take part in online training that deals with the understanding of medical terminology, coding, billing, Medicare, Medicaid, and ethics to assist veterans, widows and widowers in the claims process.

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Marshall County Council to Meet in Emergency Session Today

The Marshall County Council members will meet in emergency session this morning to discuss the financial status of the county highway funds to support the cost of flooding repair work.

During last week’s Marshall County Commissioners meeting, Highway Supervisor Jason Peters submitted a cost estimate of damage to the county’s roads, bridges and culverts, as well as labor, equipment and rental costs. That estimate is nearly $5.395 million.

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Public Hearing Held on Proposed Cumulative Bridge Fund Increase

The Marshall County Commissioners opened up a public hearing Monday morning to hear opinions on their proposal to increase property taxes $.0524 per $100 of assessed valuation to reestablish the Cumulative Bridge Fund.

The rate is not at its maximum level, but the proposed increase would gather another $660,000 next year to help in the cost to repair the county’s bridges.

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