Ancilla College Students Graduate

Ancilla College graduated its 48th class in school history on Saturday, with 65 students awarded degrees. “This is an excellent graduating class,” said Ancilla College President Dr. Ken Zirkle. “I am very proud of the graduates; a number of whom are already accepted and enrolled in four-year programs or are already placed in jobs that came as a result of their education here at Ancilla.” Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners Review Roundabout Agreement

Marshall County Attorney James Clevenger has drafted an agreement between the County and the City of Plymouth concerning the maintenance of the roundabout. Further discussion by the Commissioners has prompted its return to a meeting for approval.

The agreement calls for all expenses and improvement of the roundabout be the sole obligation of the City of Plymouth. The city has plans for signs as well as landscaping. Whatever improvements are planned would be approved by the Commissioners before any action is taken. Any planned landscaping would also need to comply with the proper navigation of vehicles around the roundabout. The city must also comply with all federal, state and local regulations.

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Ancilla College President Reflects on First Year

Another academic year is in the books at Ancilla College. President Ken Zirkle took over leadership of the two-year, private, Catholic school last fall and has accomplished quite a bit in a short amount of time. During his tenure, school officials broke ground on Ancilla’s first residence hall. It’s on schedule to be finished Aug. 1 and will provide housing for about 100 first-year students. Continue reading

Eagles Hatch for First Time at Potato Creek SP

A pair of bald eagles have produced offspring at Potato Creek State Park. The birds hatched three eaglets in a remote area, according to park officials. They say this is the fourth straight spring a bald eagle pair has nested at the park and the first time they have produced offspring. Park officials suspect they are the same pair that has nested unsuccessfully but can’t confirm it. They were ousted by osprey in 2012 and 2013. Last year they built a nest but did not hatch any eggs. Continue reading

Sheriff’s Department to Find New Fund for Proposed Training Facility

The funding for the construction of a proposed firearms training facility in Marshall County may have hit a snag.

Marshall County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Hollopeter along with fellow deputy and president of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge #130 Travis O’Neal presented plans to the commissioners in April for a firing range and classroom facility on the FOP’s property on Hawthorne Road and State Road 10. The plan was to pay for the facility out of the firearms training line item in the sheriff’s department budget. However, Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said during a meeting this week that the funding may need to come from another line item. Overmyer mentioned that Auditor Julie Fox contacted the State Board of Accounts. It was determined that the firearms training fund is limited to training and firearms training or training for other law enforcement duties. She found that the particular fund was not appropriate for this construction project. Fox told MAX 98.3 FM News yesterday that this issue has not been resolved. Phone calls to Sheriff Tom Chamberlin were not returned.

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Professional Development Changes Taken under Consideration

The Plymouth Community School Board gathered information from Plymouth High School Principal Jim Condon about a change in the schedule for professional development times for teachers.

Currently, students are released early on Fridays so teachers can collaborate to analyze data and discuss improvements in education in a collective setting. Condon proposed, with the support of the teacher’s association and a study committee, that students arrive an hour late to school on Tuesdays each week beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.

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Culver Residents Encouraged to Spring Clean the Community

Culver residents can dispose of items that are too large for their weekly trash pickup during a special Saturday community event. Dumpsters will be placed in the large lot behind the Inn by the Lake from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. for drop-off. Volunteers from the CAVS Club and Culver Academies Community Services Council will be available to help with unloading. The street department is also available to pick up items people can’t bring to the lot themselves. Continue reading

Plymouth School Board to Consider Plan to Gain Enrollment

The Plymouth Community School Corporation may offer transportation to other districts in the county in order to gain student enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year.

Superintendent Dan Tyree told the school board Tuesday night that over the course of two years, under the state’s new budget, the corporation will lose $30,000. He explained that the state anticipates the loss of 14 students in 2016 and keep status quo for 2017. That is the reason why the school will be cut $80,000 in 2016. Tyree said the school may pick up $50,000 in 2017. He noted that the corporation has a history of gaining students rather than losing students.

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Races set for General Election

The City of Plymouth mayoral race is set for the General Election.  Democrat Rex Crump will face Republican Mark Senter in the General Election for mayor. Crump defeated Democrat Anthony “Tony” P. Gamble in Tuesday night’s Primary Municipal Election.

Three Republican candidates will move on in the city council at-large race in the General Election. Mike Delp, Burke L. Richeson and Bill Walters will face Democrats Gary Cook, Jeffery R. Houin and Josh Walker for three city council at-large seats.

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Construction on 7th Road Project Continues

The 7th Road project in Plymouth should be complete by the end of June.

Project Supervisor Bart Trester from USI Consultants told the Marshall County Commissioners on Monday that the center of the roundabout is open to traffic in order for construction to occur on the east and west third of the circular intersection. Crews will return the traffic pattern to travel around the roundabout when that phase is complete. The project is anticipated to be done by the end of June.

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Lacking Revenue, Participation Prompt Culver School Board to Eliminate “Shop” Program

The Culver School Corporation is hoping students find other classes to take after a decision on Monday night to eliminate an academic program.

Lacking student participation and enrollment prompted administration with Culver Schools to propose scrapping the Industrial Technology classes at the high school and middle school. The classes are more commonly known as “shop.”
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City of Plymouth to Celebrate National Day of Prayer Tomorrow

Churches, business and civic leaders and Marshall County residents will join in prayer and fellowship tomorrow to celebrate the National Day of Prayer. Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter will keynote the City of Plymouth National Day of Prayer Breakfast. It starts at 6:30 a.m. at the Christo’s Banquet Center. Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit local Boy Scouts of America Troops and Packs. Continue reading