The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will meet tonight where they will have updates on many projects within the city’s TIF Districts. They include the Hoham Drive, Pioneer Drive, River Gate South Development, Winona Building, and Centennial Crossing projects.
Continue readingSeveral Projects Moving Along in City of Plymouth
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members were updated this week on several projects occurring in the city’s TIF districts.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight, Public Hearing Scheduled
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will meet tonight where they will receive updates on several projects within the city’s TIF district. Those projects include the Hoham Drive, REES Theater, River Gate South, and Centennial Crossing projects.
Continue readingFinancing Paperwork Continues for Upgrades at Winona Building Products
Plans for financing for Winona Building Products continue moving forward with paperwork to be considered in November.
Continue readingPretzels, Inc. Expansion Going Quickly
Construction on the addition at Pretzels, Inc. in Plymouth is going well.
Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Approves Pre-design Contract for Pioneer Drive
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members considered a pre-design contract this week in order to conduct surveys in the Pioneer Drive project.
Continue readingREES Theater Project Ongoing
The third phase of the REES Theater project in Plymouth continues.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will meet tonight where they will get updates from all of the current projects in all TIF Districts.
Continue readingOther Avenues Being Reviewed for Purchase of Plymouth Fire Truck
Plymouth Fire Chief Rod Miller and Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi are exploring options of purchasing a new fire truck for the fire department.
Continue readingTechnical Designs Progressing in Centennial Crossings Project
Officials with the Centennial Crossings project in Plymouth continue to work on the infrastructure design on the building sites in order to move forward with the process.
Continue readingREES Theater Renovations Continue
The third phase of the renovation project at the REES Theater in Plymouth is ongoing.
Continue readingAquatic Center Project Nearly Complete
Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will meet tonight where they will get updates from all of the current projects in all TIF Districts.
Continue reading*CANCELED* Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission will meet tonight where they will receive letters of intent for engineering services for the proposed Pioneer Drive project.
Continue readingConstruction Continues on Aquatic Center in Plymouth
Construction crews continue working on the Aquatic Center on Miller Drive in Plymouth.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission Gets Update on Winona Building Products
Officials at Winona Building Products in Plymouth are working out a few more kinks before more people are hired at the facility.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission Revisits Fire Truck Purchase Request
Plymouth Fire Department Chief Rod Miller presented more information to the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission concerning the use of TIF funds to help purchase a new fire truck.
Continue readingVolunteers Commended for Viaduct Beautification Project
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members considered a resolution Tuesday night commending the volunteers and donors who were involved in the South Michigan Street viaduct beautification project.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission Holds Public Hearing for Pretzels, Inc. Expansion Financing
A public hearing was opened during Tuesday night’s Plymouth Redevelopment Commission meeting that would amend the U.S. 30/Pine Road Economic Development Plan to designate the Pretzels, Inc. expansion building an Air Allocation Area as its own allocation area. The amendment would also name Pretzels, Inc. a designated taxpayer.
Continue readingPlymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight
The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will meet tonight where a public hearing is scheduled concerning the amendment of projects within the U.S. 30/Pine Road Development Plan. It will include the expansion of the Pretzels, Inc. area and designates Pretzels, Inc. as a designated taxpayer. If favorable, a resolution on that action will be considered later in the meeting.
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