Plymouth Board of Works and City Council to Meet Tonight

Members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight to award a quote for a new truck chassis with a dump bed. They will also consider two sidewalk requests. Officials with the P-town Cruz’n Car Show have submitted a request for parking restrictions during the event and that will be reviewed by the board members.  They will meet at 6 p.m. ET tonight.

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Plymouth Council Formally Establishes Tennis Court Fund

The Centennial Park Tennis Court project took a big step forward this week. No comments were offered during a Monday night public hearing on the establishment of a dedicated fund for the project. The city has pledged $750,000 toward the construction of new tennis courts. Half of the money will come from the capital improvement fund and the other half from cumulative capital development. Continue reading

Plymouth Board of Works to Award Capital Project Contracts

The Plymouth Board of Public Works will award several contracts for the wastewater treatment plant improvement project when they meet this evening. Bids were opened and taken under advisement two weeks ago for the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant, water main extension and Ledyard Water Treatment Plant storage building. The board will also approve the signing of contracts with Midwestern Engineers for the project. Continue reading

Street Parking Creates Problems During Snow Situations

Inoperable cars parked on the sides of city streets create a hazard for snow plow drivers trying to clear roads. That topic was raised during Monday’s Plymouth City Council meeting. Mayor Mark Senter told the council he’s reached out to the mayors in other communities to gather information about their snow emergency route parking policies. Some restrict parking to even or odd numbered sides of the street to give plows room to work. Residents are asked to please move their cars if possible so roads can be cleared.

GIS Data Contract Approved for Plymouth Trail Project

The Marshall County Commissioners have approved a measure to help the City of Plymouth move forward with the Greenway Trail.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi told the commissioners last week that the city is attempting to complete phase two of the grant-funded project. Officials with SEH Engineering need GIS data in order to continue with the design work.

“In order for them to prepare the plans, they would like to have some GIS data for that area,” explained Surrisi. “We’ve made a similar request before and we were able to put together a contract where we signed off and said we were guaranteeing that the contractors were just going to use the information for this project and not for any other commercial purposes.”

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