Plymouth Council Could Set Retiree Hangun Policy Tonight

Plymouth officials could formally adopt a policy to allow retired police officers to purchase their service weapons when they meet tonight. An ordinance to do so is on the city council’s agenda for second and third reading.

The issue arose after longtime officer Ted Brown’s recent retirement. City officials were prepared to declare his weapon surplus property and gift it to him, until a member of the public questioned the legality of doing so.

The city council meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. or immediately following the board of works meeting, which begins at 5:30. The board of works agenda includes the awarding of quotes for the wastewater treatment plant secondary control building roof replacement, and update on the Baker Street Safe Routes to School and ADA projects and 2015 street and sidewalk projects from the city engineer. City attorney Sean Surrisi will present a revised memorandum of understanding with Marshall County regarding signage at the Michigan Road and Veterans Parkway roundabout.