Plymouth BOW/Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where City Engineer Rick Gaul will have several times for the board’s consideration.

A representative from the Plymouth Community School Corporation will discuss a financial guarantee memorandum of understanding for the football field turf drainage project. The Troyer Group will present a construction contract for consideration. Several work requests of projects in the city’s right-of-way will be offered including several service line installation projects and the installation of a monitoring well.

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Plymouth City Building Improvements to begin in August

Plymouth City Building

The Plymouth City Building will undergo renovations this fall. The architects will finalize plans this month. It is the hope of the Plymouth City Council and the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission that the bidding process will proceed in June with the sale of bonds in July. The project is anticipated to begin in August.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said the clerk-treasurer’s office will see a big change.

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Plymouth BOW/Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will award bids and ratify an executive order when they meet tonight.

Bids were opened for microsurfacing projects and the street and sidewalk projects at the last meeting. City Engineer Rick Gaul asked to take those bids under advisement until tonight’s meeting to make sure all of the paperwork is in line with specifications.

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Discover Plymouth Organization Making Progress

Representatives from the Discover Plymouth organization presented information to the Plymouth City Council on Monday night on their progress on plans in making the city a safer place to walk and bike.

According to Allie Shook, the group plans to improve existing crosswalks or install crosswalks, connect fitness facilities with sidewalks, and construct bike racks, benches and bumpouts. Shook says the purpose of a bumpout is to increase pedestrian safety.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Revitalization Rebate

The owners of A.S.K for Flowers appeared before the Plymouth City Council on Monday night to present a request for a commercial revitalization rebate.

The roof is being replaced at 105 and 107 N. Michigan Street and the owners are asking for a 20 percent rebate as part of the available program. The request was barely tardy in getting to the city to be put on the previous agenda prior to the start of the project. The company doing the replacement provided a timeline of last week or in May which is a busy season for the business.

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Deferred Payment Ordinance Amendment Approved

The Plymouth City Council discussed an ordinance amendment concerning deferred payments for utility bills.

Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver believes a clerical error was made in the ordinance when the code book was codified in 2014. The current document states that all bills for water services not paid within 15 days from the due date are charged a 10 percent penalty. She noted that the common practice assesses a penalty 15 days after the billing date which is when the payment is due.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Sign Ordinance Amendment

Ralph Booker from the Plymouth Plan Commission presented an ordinance amendment to the Plymouth City Council Monday night based on a Supreme Court decision.

According to Booker, two years ago the Supreme Court decided that a sign cannot be regulated by reading it. A sign may be regulated by its location, its type and the length of time that it is at a particular location.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Ordinances

The Plymouth City Council approved two ordinances on second and third reading on Monday night.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained that one ordinance pertains to wages and disbursement of those wages to the fire department.

“This is to accomplish the changes for the increase in the payment for the volunteer fire department raising the amount from $12 to $15 per call,” commented Surrisi. “Recently, there’s been a change in the city’s policy of making one lump payment for all of the volunteers had been in December to making those payments monthly. This reflects that change as well.”

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Restoration Rebate Program Application Presented to Plymouth City Council

Photo provided by Wythougan Valley Preservation Council.

The Plymouth City Council heard a proposal for a restoration rebate program application for work to be done on the Rees Theater.

Brent Martin from the Wythougan Valley Preservation Council said the council members have received proposals from C&S Masonry, Schoberg and Schoberg Painting and Vanadco Signs to do a wide range of exterior work to the building.

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Plymouth BOW and City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will award a bid for the Oakhill/Soice at Michigan Street intersection signalization improvements when they meet tonight. The board also expects to open quotes for the Ledyard Plant roof replacement project.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi will present a resolution designating a handgun as surplus property of the Plymouth Police Department and authorize its transfer to a retiring police officer.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Firefighter/Paramedics Salary Increase

Plymouth Fire Chief Rod Miller and council member Don Ecker, Jr. presented information to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety and the Plymouth City Council members Monday night about the need for more full-time firefighters and paramedics.

Chief Miller said he’s having trouble maintaining staff members. Pay for full-time firefighters is not competitive with surrounding communities to entice personnel to stay. Information given to the board showed Plymouth as one of the lowest paying fire departments in the area.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will open bids for the signalization improvements at the Oakhill/Soice intersection when they meet tonight. Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt will present 2017 sidewalk projects for the ADA transition plan and discuss a sidewalk request at 801 S. Michigan Street. City Attorney Sean Surrisi will present a memo for the Schuh Ditch hydrologic and hydraulic study proposal for engineering services.

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