Consultant on Job Descriptions, Wages Discusses Information with Council

The Marshall County Council received information from a consultant on job descriptions and wages.

Kent Irwin explained how he and his colleagues at Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele prepare the job descriptions and determine wages for recommendations for the county. He is looking to assist the county in updating all of the job descriptions for all positions in the county as a major overhaul has not been done since 1989. Several positions have a different set of duties and those descriptions need to be current.

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EMA Director Requests Additional Appropriation

Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery asked the county council for an additional appropriation to pay for the contractor who helped with updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Avery explained that the contract is for $16,656.06. The invoice will be paid and Avery said he will submit the necessary paperwork to the Department of Homeland Security for reimbursement. The plan is renewable every five years. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Cuts Budget

The Marshall County Council members worked to cut $444,420 from the budget when they met Monday morning.

The total budget to be advertised is just over $25 million for all funds. The General Fund totals $12,798,016. The assessor’s office will have a $12,000 reduction as the members thought the pay increase budgeted was over the three percent recommendation, and a full-time position in the prosecutor’s office was omitted as the request was not before the council. That money was transferred to a part-time line item.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

The Marshall County Council will meet this morning with a full agenda. The council members will discuss all of the line items in the 2018 budget in a hearing after their regular business meeting.

James Bend and James Pheibush will have a funding request for care of inmate patients while Sheriff Matt Hassel and Annette Osborn from WIC will request a waiver for a 90-day probationary pay. EMA Director Clyde Avery will present an additional request for a mitigation plan update with the EMA Performance Grant and the personnel committee members will discuss updates to several positions. Continue reading

Marshall Co. Commissioners Support Highway Dept. Request for Funds

The Marshall County Highway Department will be asking the county council for some additional funds and money transfers in order to pave more county roads this season.

Highway Supervisor Jason Peters told the county commissioners that he’ll be requesting $550,000 to $600,000 in an additional appropriation before the county council on Monday, Sept. 11. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Discusses Health Educator Position

The Marshall County Council discussed adding full-time position for a health educator/emergency preparedness coordinator when they met this week.

Health Administrator Christine Stinson explained that the person in the department would assist in her department and with Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery. She said a local health maintenance fund grant along with the emergency preparedness grant will help fund this position with the rest coming from the health department’s budget.

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Marshall County Council Approves Additional Appropriation for Coroner

Marshall County Coroner John Grolich approached the Marshall County Council Monday morning with additional appropriation requests totaling $28,000 for his department.

Grolich explained that there has been an increase in autopsies performed this year than what is normally budgeted. He added that it’s difficult to predict how many will be done in a year in order to properly budget money. He said many young people have perished in a number of different circumstances and autopsies are commonly ordered in most cases to determine manner and cause of death. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Approves $50,000 Additional Appropriation Request

The Marshall County Council considered an additional appropriation request in the amount of $50,000 to take care of LED lighting upgrade and other repairs at the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department.

According to Gary Masterson from the county maintenance department, all of the lighting has been updated outside of the jail in the parking lot, and more lights are being switched out inside the facility as soon as one goes bad. Additional money is requested in case more issues arise at the jail.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

The Marshall County Council members will meet today with several items on the agenda.

EMA Director Clyde Avery will present two grant requests while Sheriff Matt Hassel will have a commissary report. The personnel committee members have several changes to different county positions to bring before the council. Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman and a representative from the community corrections department will separately request waivers for probationary pay for an employee in their offices. The council is also expected to discuss a salary ordinance amendment for the chief probation officer and a position within community corrections.

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Marshall County Council Supports Culver’s Stellar Communities Projects

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe and Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist went before the Marshall County Council to ask for a letter of support to include in their application for the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Munroe mentioned that the town is attempting to show that the town is working with the county and that the county can benefit from the projects that are proposed in the Stellar Communities plan. The commissioners have already approved an in-kind donation of the installation of one mile of the walking/biking trail through the Culver Town Park and around Lake Maxinkuckee. The township is also putting forth support of the Cavalier Sports Center for upgrades and additions to the facilities at the Culver Community School Corporation. Several local and county organizations have offered grant match money for the various projects in the plan as well as in-kind donations and volunteer efforts.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

Marshall County Commissioner Kurt Garner will appear before the Marshall County Council members to offer the county’s road plan for the Community Crossings grant.

The commissioners approved the list last week and intend to have the input of the council and MACOG before submitting the final list to the state for consideration. The match is 75/25 this year and will be more competitive as smaller communities will be able to put in their project proposals as the local match is lower than in past years.

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