Marshall County Council to Meet Today

(L to R) Jack Roose, Penny Lukenbill, Jon Van Vactor, Judy Stone, James Masterson, Mandy Campbell, Heath Thornton

The Marshall County Council members will meet today where they will consider what action to take, if any, on two ordinances that pertain to the proposed jail expansion project.  They are listed on the advance agenda as items for discussion by the council members.

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Marshall County Prosecutor Presents Bond, Judicial Information during Jail Public Meeting

RQAW’s Schematic Design of Additional Jail Pod

Several law enforcement and judicial members presented information in a public meeting Monday night surrounding a potential expansion project at the Marshall County Jail. 

There is a proposal to expand the jail to include additional space to house inmates to help alleviate the current overcrowding situation.  A full 320-bed expansion could cost upwards of $19 million, if approved. 

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