Marshall County Council Looks at Potential Operating Costs for Proposed Jail Expansion

With all of the discussions being held on how much a proposed jail expansion would cost, Marshall County Council members are analyzing preliminary figures on the operation of the jail pod once it’s built.

Sheriff Matt Hassel said in order to operate a new housing pod with at least 208-beds, he would need 7 new staff members.  If the entire 320-bed facility is built, then 17 additional people would be needed.  In addition to that, the cost of food would increase, the amount of inmate clothing and sandals, additional programs, and regular supplies would increase to a grand total of about $1 million a year. 

While there won’t be an increase in taxes to implement a General Obligation bond, there could be an increase in taxes in order to operate the expansion of the jail. 

County Councilman Jon Van Vactor commented, “We’re going to have additional operational costs, we’re going to have to have interest that has to be paid on the bonds.  I guess I’d like to see a better breakdown of the operational costs.  They’re saying that later on we’ll have to pass [A LIT Fund tax] another .1 to raise it to .35.  When are we going to have to do that and what are the mechanics to make that happen?”

A lot of issues remain unsolved and remain under investigation by government officials with a decision still looming concerning the construction of a new jail pod.

For now, an assessment of the court system will likely occur in late February or early March by Samantha Goodson with Indiana Office of Court Services.  Marshall County Commissioner Stan Klotz is initiating the study to determine if all avenues are being exhausted that would help provide information toward a jail expansion project.