Culver Town Council Meets Tonight

Culver Town Council members are expected to revisit an amended ordinance regulating the use of golf carts and animal-drawn vehicles when they meet at 6:30 p.m. tonight.

In addition to considering the attorney’s contract and a contract with the Visitor’s Center, members are anticipated to take a look at amending an easement agreement with Culver Academies, related the trail project. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where they will get an update on the mold remediation issue at the Culver-Union Township Public Library. Library officials previously released information that mold growth was found in several areas of the basement including the computer lab, large meeting room and foyer area. That area was closed to the public in order to diffuse the mold issue. Eradication efforts took place immediately upon notification.

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