Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners will met today where Sheriff Matt Hassel will present a DNR Marine Patrol Assistance grant application request and Health Administrator Christine Stinson will present two grant application requests for a Local Health Department Trust Account and Local Health Maintenance.

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Commissioners Ratify Agreement with HERC

The Marshall County Commissioners approved a contract with Heavy Equipment Response Coalition (HERC) for flood emergency clean-up services.

The county and the City of Plymouth entered into an agreement with the not-for-profit agency where volunteer disaster response services, supplies and materials will be provided. Josh Walker helped solicit the organization out of Michigan to help with efforts during the flood event. The volunteers with the organization were coming back from relief efforts from hurricane activity in the south and stopped in at Plymouth to offer help.

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Marshall County Council Approves Rainy Day Fund Transfer

The Marshall County Council members approved a transfer of money to the Rainy Day Fund last week.

Auditor Julie Fox said the council is able to transfer 10 percent of the total of all county budgets from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund. She noted that the 2018 budget is just under $25 million and she felt comfortable with the transfer of an amount between $1 million and $1.5 million.  Continue reading