Public Hearing on Cumulative Bridge Fund Set

A public hearing to record opinions for and against reestablishing the Cumulative Bridge Fund at a rate of $.0524 per $100 of assessed valuation will be held on Wednesday, May 9.

Auditor Julie Fox said an attorney from the Department of Local Government Finance will conduct the hearing. Several petitioners will be on hand to provide testimony on their opposition to the increase in the tax.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer is expected to support the commissioners’ decision to move forward with the increase. The increase will help keep the fund solvent. County officials are anticipating a deficit in that fund in 2019 which causes concern about funds to rebuild bridges for public safety. The rate is not at its maximum level, but the proposed increase would gather another $660,000 next year to help in the cost to repair the county’s bridges.

Following the hearing, officials from the Department of Local Government Finance will take the recorded information and formulate a decision which will be presented to the commissioners for further action.

Wednesday’s hearing will begin at 11 a.m. in the second floor meeting room (Room 203) in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.