Income tax filing time means it’s also time to see where you stand in terms of need-based college financial aid for the 2015-16 academic year. Ancilla College Executive Director of Admissions Eric Wignall says you need to have family income information handy before visiting to fill out the necessary form. Last year’s tax information can be used to estimate, and this year’s data can be plugged in after taxes are finished.
Indiana Sheriff’s Association Offers Scholarship
The Indiana Sheriff’s Association (ISA) is awarding college scholarship to high school students or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice.
LaPorte County Sheriff John Boyd said there are 40 scholarships valued at $500 to qualifying students throughout the state. Sheriff Boyd said the ISA provides invaluable services to the citizens of LaPorte County and the county is pleased to be a part of the scholarship program.
The applicant must be an Indiana resident, a current member of the ISA or dependent child or grandchild of a current member of the Indiana Sheriff’s Association, attend an Indiana college or university, major in a law enforcement-related field, and be enrolled is a full-time student.
School Choice Week Recognized with Events
In conjunction with national efforts, Indiana Governor Mike Pence has issued a proclamation recognizing this week as Indiana School Choice Week.
The movement organizes events that look to inform parents about the K-12 education options available, and to point out a few of the benefits for choice in education policy.
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New Filings for Municipal Election
The clerk’s office in Marshall County was busy tending to more candidates who wished to file for office for this year’s Municipal Election.
Former Democrat State Representative Gary Gook has filed for an at-large seat on the Plymouth City Council while Republican Larry Wattenbarger filed for Bourbon Town Council. Republicans William L. Daily and Rick Lee Graverson both filed for seats on the Bremen Town Council.
The city positions up for election will have a primary election while towns with a population under 3,500 will have town conventions if there is opposition on any positions on the ballot. If there is no opposition, all names will be on the General Election ballot in November.
Marshall County Commissioners Approve Tax Sale Paperwork
The Marshall County Commissioners last week approved an action to sign paperwork in order to move forward with a tax certificate sale.
In a previous meeting, Joe Edwards from SRI, Inc. told the commissioners that there were about 30 properties that were not sold in the 2014 property tax sale. These particular properties have been on the tax sale for years without interest by potential buyers.
A tax certificate sale could lower the price of the properties to heighten interest and to get the severely tax delinquent properties back on the tax rolls. The redemption period is a little quicker in a certificate sale. The average time period is 120 days.
Prescription Drop-offs Continue Hazard Prevention Efforts
The Starke County Sheriff’s Department says their prescription drug drop-off program continues to bode well.
A box sits in the lobby of the Starke County Jail that’s intended to act as a receptacle for the prescriptions. Drop-off programs are designed to protect water supplies, prevent taking expired medication, and reduce the spread of medications used as an illegal narcotic.
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Culver Names New Town Manager
The Town of Culver has filled their vacant Town Manager position.
At their last meeting, the Culver Town Council voted to extend an offer after conducting interviews for the position in December. Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe said she was satisfied with the choice.
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Purdue Extension Works To Correct Meth Report Error
The numbers may change slightly, but the message is still the same according to Purdue Extension.
A recently issued report ranked Starke County first in the state of Indiana in meth lab seizures. A team of researchers used population data to determine Starke County’s population, but in writing the report transposed the first two numbers – making the county’s population 32, 197 instead of the more accurate 23,197.
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Sen. Arnold Proposing Legislation To Enhance Law Enforcement Services
State Senator Jim Arnold is hoping several bills will assist in the efforts of the law enforcement community.
Among Arnold’s proposed bills this session is legislation that would better define a safety indicator on firearms. It would also increase penalties for those found to have modified a toy gun to resemble a real firearm.
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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Prepayment Limit
The Marshall County Commissioners this week discussed a prepayment limit for department heads.
Commissioner Deb Griewank suggested the change to the purchase ordinance so department heads can make county equipment purchases with a personal credit card that does not exceed $750. She said that it was brought to her attention that sometimes different departments need to purchase something online, but don’t have the time to wait for commissioner approval. Buildings and maintenance directors can find items on eBay for cheaper but then they have to wait to purchase the items pending approval. Time could cost them.
Find the Right Plumber if You Experience Frozen Pipes
Before more cold weather sets in, the Better Business Bureau wants you to be sure you be careful in hiring a plumber to help you in any repairs you may need to make due to freezing pipes.
BBB officials say plumbers need to be licensed and display their license number on their website, vehicles and marketing pieces. Ask for three estimates from different companies to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Be sure to understand if a plumber charges by the hour or a flat rate for work to be completed and get that agreement in writing. Keep a copy of that contract. It’s also good to break up the payments and offer the last payment when the work is done to your satisfaction.
Marshall County Highway Supervisor Getting Quotes for Pug Mill
The Marshall County Highway Department will be working toward getting a pug mill to save money on paving costs.
Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters told the commissioners this week that they have been using Starke County’s pug mill and have patched roads with the stone, oil and sand mixture. Compared to a hot asphalt mix, having a pug mill will save the county thousands and thousands of dollars. He said the materials for other paving options are getting more expensive.
Menominee Elementary School PTO Orders ADA Compliant Playground Equipment
Menominee Elementary School students will soon be able to enjoy state-of-the art playground equipment that meets all of the standards outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act. The school’s PTO has been raising funds for the past decade to buy larger, more engaging equipment. Principal Steven Boyer says the new playground will sit atop rubber tiles that all students will be able to access. It also provides a number of activities that accommodate students with disabilities. Continue reading
Dermody Files Sunday Alcohol Bill
The decision to allow discussion on the Sunday sale of alcohol in Indiana has been made.
State Representative Tom Dermody has not only decided to allow discussion, but he also authored a bill to allow for the sales. House Bill 1624 would permit Sunday alcohol carry-out between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
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Indiana Failing To Make The Grade On Tobacco Control
The American Lung Association says the state of Indiana needs to do more to enact tobacco control policies.
The “State of Tobacco Control 2015” report evaluates tobacco control policies at the state and federal level. It says Indiana failed to enact any policies that the American Lung Association believes will save lives. That led the state to receive a failing grade in tobacco prevention, taxes, and access to tobacco cessation services.
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NIPSCO Receives Approval for Green Pilot Program
A pilot program started in 2012 has been granted long term approval according to NIPSCO.
The company’s Green Power Rate program is offered to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Currently there are 940 homes and businesses enrolled in the Green Power Program.
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Starke County Ranks First In State for Meth Seizures
A new report says that while seizures of meth labs are up in Indiana, the number of labs is also up in the state.
The publication from Purdue Extension says Indiana saw nearly 1,800 meth lab seizures in 2013, the highest of any state in the country. Data supplied in the report describes the trends in illegal drug use in rural areas and proposes a few solutions to the problem.
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Metronet Project Done, 7th Road Project Awaiting Completion
This week, the Marshall County Commissioners approved and signed paperwork to complete the acceptance of the Metronet project along Glen Overmyer Drive. The work ended on Nov. 12 with all punch list items checked off the list. The installation of conduit for the three phases of the Metronet project is now complete.
The conduit will house dark fiber capable of distributing high-speed internet to business and industry in Plymouth. The conduit was installed in the city limits and along old U.S. 31 through LaPaz, LaVille, Lakeville and into South Bend. LaVille School Corporation and Hoosier Racing Tire have already lit dark fiber to begin using the product.
Culver Plan Commission Holds Development Discussion
The next step can be taken for the possible expansion of a Culver pizza restaurant.
During Tuesday night’s Culver Plan Commission meeting, a zoning change was discussed for Papa’s Pizza. The change from C-2 to C-1 would allow the restaurant to expand its location without providing additional parking.
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Local School Corporations Tracking State Funding Changes
Changes to the state school funding formula have area school corporations closely tracking the legislative movements.
Governor Mike Pence has previously said he wants the current session of the General Assembly to be an education session.
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