State Livestock Grant Applications Available

Indiana State Department of AgricultureGrants are available from the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to promote and market livestock in order to foster growth within the industry. Educational programs, livestock shows and exhibitions, conventions and similar events and projects are eligible to apply for funding. Grant dollars cover things like value-added feasibility studies, research projects, market development and other projects that encourage the development of business and industry related to livestock production, processing and distribution. Continue reading

Beware of Vehicle v. Animal Collisions

deer Deer season isn’t just for hunters. AAA Insurance warns motorists are most likely to hit a deer between the months of October and December. The Insurance Information Institute advises animals, mainly deer, are involved in more than a million collisions with vehicles each year, resulting in about 200 fatalities.

Motorists can do their part to avoid becoming statistics by sweeping eyes back and forth across the road and watching for signs of animals and their movement. Look to the right and left as well in case an animal is by the side of the road. Motorists are most likely to hit a deer, but occasionally they will run into the side of your car. Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners Conditionally Approve E911 Agreement

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners have taken another step toward improving its E911 services.

A contract was reviewed during the Commissioners Monday morning meeting. The agreement is considered the last leg of the work to make upgrades to the service. E911 projects allow the implementation of certain technology to supply the location of emergency callers.
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