Quotes Awarded for Plymouth Utility Department Equipment

The Plymouth Board of Works members approved several quotes for new pieces of equipment for the utility department.

A half-ton truck quote for $25,540 was approved from Country Auto for the wastewater department. The alternate for $1,150 for a built-in toolbox was also approved for the truck.

A chassis in the amount of $26,435 from Oliver Ford and the service body for $11,465 from WA Jones was unanimously approved. The deal includes a trade-in value. A quote for a one-ton truck for the street department was approved for $24,015 from Oliver Ford.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

The Marshall County Council members will be discussing an additional appropriation for the highway department for equipment.

Jerry Ambrose and Highway Superintendent Jason Peters explained to the Marshall County Commissioners last week that they would like to purchase a more expensive loader that will guarantee better service and reliability. The loader is a Caterpillar brand and is higher than two other bids sent in for consideration.

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Sunday Time Change Brings Recommendation To Change Batteries

Daylight savings time will begin Sunday, and area emergency management agencies are asking residents to make changes to more than just their household clocks.

The time change officially occurs at 2:00 a.m. when clocks will move ahead by one hour. Emergency Managers from Indiana’s various counties are also advising that residents use the occasion to replace the batteries in their smoke detectors.
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Loader Purchase Approved by Marshall County Commissioners

The Marshall County Highway Department is getting closer to purchasing a new loader.

Jerry Ambrose and Highway Superintendent Jason Peters reviewed several bids and told the commissioners this week that a more expensive brand may be the best route to go. They are looking at a Caterpillar loader and Decoiler Straightener Feeder Machine are more reliable machines, according to Ambrose. Ambrose said the two lower bids were for Hyundai brands, but those machines don’t last long as parts wear out faster.

The highway department currently has a CASE loader, but they are having trouble with parts and keeping it running.

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Change Orders Approved for 7th Road Project

The 7th Road construction project has been on hold all winter, but once the weather breaks workers will be busy to finish the project. It was anticipated to be complete last year.

Bart Trester from USI Consultants told the Marshall County Commissioners that several issues delayed the project including unsuitable soils and piling issue for the bridge. He presented a change order for the project once things get moving again.

“Change order seven is additional mobilization for the bridge contractor for $11,107.60,” explained Trester. “We had the bad soil issues, delays and we had to coordinate with INDOT how to go about piling, and they had to pull off the project and then came back.”

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Video Conferencing, Technology Upgrade Approved

Marshall County Superior Court No. 2 Judge Dean Colvin asked the commissioners this week to assist him in improving the video conferencing system between the courthouse and the Marshall County Jail.

A system was put in place years ago, but it’s time to upgrade, according to Judge Colvin.

“Over the last several years, we’ve run into a couple of issues with the video conferencing as a result of, as I like to call it, planned obsolescence with the regards to technology,” said Judge Colvin. “We’ve worked through the lifetime expectancy of the video conferencing and we’re having technical problems with video conferencing. We need to address those and bring them back up to date and back up to speed.”

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Proposed Permit Fee Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Passes on First Reading

The Marshall County Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposed increase in building permit and improvement location fees Monday morning.

Several of the fees increased by $5 while others jumped considerably. Plan Director Ralph Booker explained that the fees will help cover costs. The fees haven’t been amended for several years.

Permit fees for accessory structures larger than 1,601 square feet rose from $80 to $100 for structures up to 2,000 square feet. Permit fees for accessory structures larger than 2,000 square feet will be $150.

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