Court of Appeals To Hear Arguments at Culver Academies

A program designed to promote information about the Court of Appeals in Indiana will make an appearance at Culver Academies.

Three judges from the court will hear oral arguments from a criminal case on appeal from Vanderburgh County. This is the courts’ fifth appearance for their Appeals on Wheels program this year.

The visit matches with Culver’s 2015 Ethical Decision-Making Weekend, meaning the judges will visit classrooms in the community.

According to a press release, the Court of Appeals hears arguments across Indiana to allow residents to see the operation of their courts. More than 400 site visits have been conducted by the court since 2000.

After oral arguments are heard in the criminal case under appeal at Culver Academies, students will be allowed a chance to ask questions of the judges. Questions will be limited to issues outside of the case being heard.

The hearing will take place March 12th at 6:30 EST.