The second phase of a comprehensive lift station replacement project will be sent out for bid soon.
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Marshall County Plan Director Ty Adley and Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt presented the Marshall County Council members with an annual report that sums up the number of permits issued and their valuation for the past few years.
Adley said the number of permits continues on an upward trend.
“From 2014 to 2017, we did have a dip in the number of permits from 815 to 749, but we’re still holding on to that upward trend,” said Adley. “If you look at the average over the last 15 years, you’re looking at 476 permits have been issues on average every year. We’ve been above that since 2014.”
In 2016, 644 permits were issued with a valuation of nearly $26 million and in 2017 over 800 permits were issued valued at over $53 million. The permit number changed in 2018, according to Adley.
“We went down only eight percent from the 2017 numbers and the number of permits that were issued. It’s a very minuscule amount. If you set that in the context of the valuation, we’re up yet again 28 percent to $68 million.”
Adley explained that more people are investing in larger projects in Marshall County which is behind the increase in permits and their valuation.
“These accessory structures that people have put up in year’s past in comparison to 2017 have gone down, but the investment that people within Marshall County are doing, they’re putting in larger investments. They’re putting in larger, more expensive commercial buildings, more homes, more renovations, more substantial terms of investment within Marshall County.”
DeWitt noted that the commercial work is increasing and so will the permitting process so it appears that Marshall County continues to grow.
The pair will present more information to the Marshall County Commissioners on Monday morning.
LaPaz Clerk-Treasurer to Resign
Marshall County Clerk Deb VanDeMark updated the Election Board members this week that LaPaz Clerk-Treasurer Susan Albert is expected to resign from her position on April 30, 2019.
Continue readingBremen Town Council Hopes to Purchase Property
The Bremen Town Council members are still working toward purchasing the property at 121 S. Jackson Street.
Continue readingMarshall County Council Discusses Additional Appropriations
The Marshall County Council members reviewed several additional appropriation requests before them Monday morning.
Continue readingCulver Beach Lodge Renovation Plans on Track
The renovation plans for the Culver Beach Lodge are on track, according to Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist.
Continue readingPlymouth Board of Works Members Discuss Pharmaceutical Agreement
The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members discussed a pharmaceutical agreement with the Plymouth hospital. Fire Chief Rod Miller said it amends the inventory levels of narcotics kept on the ambulances.
Continue readingMarshall County Prosecutor Announces Grant Award
Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman informed the Marshall County Council members Monday morning that a grant application was successful for drug buy money and other needs for the Drug Task Force.
Continue readingMarshall County Election Board Discusses Primary Municipal Election Candidate Filings
The Marshall County Election Board members discussed the Primary Municipal Election candidate filings when they met on Tuesday morning.
Continue readingRoundabout Planned Near Aquatic Center, Early Childhood Learning Center
The roadway near the new Aquatic Center and Early Childhood Learning Center in Plymouth will include a roundabout as construction continues.
Continue readingBremen Park Superintendent to Apply for Next Trails Grant
Bremen Park Superintendent Brian Main will wait to apply for Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Trails grant program.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Discusses Park Rental Fee Ordinance Amendment
The Culver Town Council members approved the first reading of an amendment to the Park Department fee ordinance that would include fees for the Damore Amphitheater.
Continue readingDavid Beggs Appears for Initial Hearing
Former Culver Town Council member David Beggs was in Marshall County Superior Court No. 1 on Tuesday morning to appear on a Grand Jury indictment of arson as a Level 6 Felony.
Continue readingMarshall County Sheriff Discusses Vehicle Purchase with County Council
As part of his Commissary Budget information to the Marshall County Council, Sheriff Matt Hassel explained he had to increase the amount for police vehicles.
Continue readingDiscussions Resume on Use of Bremen Property
Clean-up of the old Clark gas station at the corner of State Road 106 and State Road 331 in Bremen is complete and officials are still attempting to figure out what to do with the property.
Continue readingPlymouth BOW Affirms Demolition Order
A home in Plymouth is slated for demolition.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Approves First Reading of Ambulance Rate Ordinance
The Culver Town Council approved the first reading of an ordinance that amends ambulance rates.
The ordinance outlines a 20 percent increase in Advanced Life Support Level 2 involving paramedic duties to $1,020, Advanced Life Support Level 1 involving duties of advanced EMTs to $660, and Basic Life Support to $540.
Advanced Life Support treatment with no transport would be $150, Basic Life Support treatment with no transport would be $50 or at the discretion of the EMS Director, and miles would be determined at $12.50 per loaded mile.
The second reading and adoption of the ordinance will follow advertisement of the rates.
Marshall County Officials Hold Work Session Concerning Septic Systems
The Marshall County Commissioners and Marshall County Council members held a joint work session Monday morning to gather more information about septic systems.
Continue readingNew Jail Programs Planned in Marshall County Sheriff’s Commissary Budget
Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel presented his Commissary Fund Budget to the Marshall County Council members Monday morning that will include classes for offenders who are serving time in the jail.
Continue readingBremen Town Council Receives FEMA Reimbursement, More Anticipated
The Bremen Town Council members learned Monday afternoon that the town received just under $108,000 in FEMA reimbursement money from damage from last February’s flood event.
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