Marshall County Prosecutor Announces Grant Award

Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman informed the Marshall County Council members Monday morning that a grant application was successful for drug buy money and other needs for the Drug Task Force.

Chipman said a total of $45,000 from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant will be used for equipment, supplies and operations. 

(021419 chipman…15 sec)  “During my tenure, I’ve seen yearly drug buy money going from about $1,200 to last year’s request for over $15,000.  That’s because they are very active and very successful, frankly.”

About $25,000 of the grant money will be used for confidential drug buy money.

Chipman said that the window to apply for the grant was very narrow and was unable to ask the council for permission to apply for the grant, but the council members approved the request Monday.  Chipman noted that it is a federal grant and no matching funds are required.