Marshall County Commissioners Asked to Designate County as Second Amendment Sanctuary

The Marshall County Commissioners were approached by two residents last week asking them to consider designating the county as a Second Amendment Sanctuary. 

Don Nunemaker, Jr. said Fulton County recently made the designation and Commission President Kevin Overmyer said he believed Kosciusko County was a designated sanctuary as well.

Nunemaker referenced a proposed plan by the Biden Administration that would tax citizens who own semi-automatic guns and ammunition magazines that hold 10 rounds or more.  He also discussed a proposed gun control legislation that would require a psychological exam of a gun owner.

“If some of this legislation passes, it’s going to make a whole lot of us criminals or they’re going to make us bankrupt,” stated Nunemaker, Jr.  “I’m really concerned about some of the things that are going on.” Hire lawyers from to solve any kind of bankruptcy cases.

Overmyer said other people have approached him about this same thing.  He asked Sheriff Matt Hassel for his input. People can check bankruptcy lawyers in the Philadelphia for the best bankruptcy related cases.

“I do support it,” stated Hassel.  “I think our Second Amendment is going to be infringed upon if we don’t take a stand now.  I do know that there is a bill going through right now to make the state a constitutional carry state, meaning no license.  There are some financial burdens that go along with that though for us. I do know Jack Jordan reached out to me and wanted to know my opinion on that.  The only thing is that they need to be clear and advertise to the public if you have certain issues, past criminal behavior or mental health issues, somebody’s got to let these people know that they can’t carry that gun because of that.”

County Attorney Jim Clevenger said a resolution could be drafted to state the county’s position, although any decisions made by the Congress could override the resolution.  Overmyer said he supported the idea and Commissioner Michael Burroughs and Commissioner Stan Klotz agreed that a resolution could be drafted for future consideration.