Marshall County Commissioners to Hold Hearing over Proposed Infrastructure Development Zone

Marshall County residents will have a chance to weigh in this morning on a measure that would make certain broadband infrastructure exempt from property taxation.

A public hearing over a proposed infrastructure development zone will be held during this morning’s county commissioners meeting. The designation was requested by Marshall County REMC last month.

In other business, the discussion on the possible expansion of the Marshall County Jail is expected to continue with Troy Woodruff from architecture firm RQAW. Sheriff Matt Hassel previously told the commissioners that space is running out, as the jail population has reached an all-time high.

The sheriff is also expected to discuss vehicle prepayment today. Recorder Janet Howard will discuss a scanning project, and Health Administrator Christine Stinson will seek permission to apply for a grant.

This morning’s Marshall County Commissioners meeting starts at 8:30 in the Marshall County Building.