Marshall County Sheriff Decides to Move Forward with Intergovernmental Agreement

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel decided to renew his interest in moving forward with an intergovernmental agreement with the Elkhart County Sheriff in order to house inmates at the Elkhart County Jail to alleviate overcrowding at the Marshall County Jail.

County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the Marshall County Commissioners this week that he drafted an agreement and sent it to them for their review as well as the Elkhart County Sheriff.  Clevenger said he was unsure if the Elkhart County Sheriff discussed it with his county commissioners in order to get it approved.

Clevenger added that the judges believe that the pre-trial practices they have in place should reduce the inmate population.  Prosecutor Nelson Chipman plans to meet with Clevenger, the commissioners and the sheriff to review the new procedures and discuss the inmate population.

The commissioners did not take action on the drafted intergovernmental agreement at this week’s meeting.