Argos Clerk-Treasurer Seeks Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement

Argos Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney asked the Marshall County Commissioners to consider an intergovernmental agreement between the county, Town of Argos and Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt for building and planning services.

The Town of Argos is looking toward economic growth. Mullaney said town officials need help with planning and Board of Zoning Appeals assistance to move forward. Mullaney commented that the members of these boards are volunteers and not qualified professionals so guidance from DeWitt would be appreciated.

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Plymouth BOW Discusses Intergovernmental Agreement

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members discussed the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the county for planning services when they met Monday night.

According to Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver, the board members learned that the Marshall County Commissioners amended the agreement to pay Planning Director Ralph Booker for the first three months in 2018 and then conduct an evaluation of work in order to continue on with the contract for the next quarter. The board members agreed to the amendment.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Pertaining to Planning Services to be Reviewed Monday

The intergovernmental agreement between Marshall County and the City of Plymouth for planning services with Planning Director Ralph Booker will be discussed by the Plymouth City Council members on Monday.

County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the Marshall County Commissioners on Tuesday morning that Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi was off much of the last part of December and didn’t have a chance to review the paperwork prior to Tuesday’s commissioners meeting.

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Marshall County Commissioners Consider Updates to Plymouth’s Central Dispatch Agreement

911Marshall County is putting the finishing touches on its centralized emergency dispatch service. Starting January 1, Marshall County will officially take over dispatch services for most areas in the county. A committee has been formed to help divide the cost of the service among the county, towns, and other local government units. Continue reading