Large Culver Sign to be Replaced

The large-scale Culver sign at the Culver Town Park will be replaced by the time WinterFest begins on Friday, Feb. 9.

Park Superintendent Anna Campbell told the Culver Town Council members this week that the sign spelling out C-U-L-V-E-R will go in the same place where the plywood sign is now. A mock-up placard that describes the history of the name of the Lake Maxinkuckee town will be included next to the sign until a more concrete structure an be constructed.

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Culver Town Council Gets Update on Winter Operations

The winter weather has put a dent in the Town of Culver’s road salt supply.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the Culver Town Council members Tuesday night that half of the town’s salt supply has been used to help clear roads in town so far this season. He assured the council members that the town’s contract with the salt supplier allows the town to purchase more at the current rate if the supply reaches a critical level.

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Public Hearing on Culver Traffic Ordinance Tonight

The Culver Town Council will hold a public hearing tonight to consider comments on the town’s proposed traffic ordinance.

The traffic ordinance designates a congested motor vehicle traffic and pedestrian area on Lakeshore Drive and signage will be placed between 508 Lakeshore east to 824 Lakeshore Drive. The ordinance also creates a no parking zone for 50 feet from the intersection on both sides of the street on Batabano and South Plymouth Street.

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Culver Town Council Approves Second Reading on Traffic Ordinance

The Culver Town Council members approved the second reading of the proposed traffic ordinance when they met Tuesday night.

The traffic ordinance designates a congested motor vehicle traffic and pedestrian area on Lakeshore Drive and signage will be placed between 508 Lakeshore east to 824 Lakeshore Drive. The ordinance also creates a no parking zone for 50 feet from the intersection on both sides of the street on Batabano and South Plymouth Street.

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Culver Town Council to Address Semi Truck Parking

Culver Town Council members will soon tackle an issue surrounding semi truck parking in residential areas.

A citizen brought forth issues during the council’s regular meeting on Tuesday night stating that it’s difficult to maneuver around the semis parked in residential areas. He’s fearful for the safety of the residents and children, in addition to it being an eyesore. Some trucks are parking on narrow streets like Ohio Street and Mill Street. Continue reading

Town of Culver Designated a Stellar Community

Two years of hard work has paid off for the Town of Culver. Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch called the Culver Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon and told a crowd of anxious Stellar supporters that the town is officially designated as a stellar community through the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist says the work now starts on several projects listed within the application.

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Stellar Site Visit Today in Culver

The Town of Culver will welcome officials from the Stellar Communities Designation Program today for the official site visit. The town is a finalist in Division 2 in the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist said today’s event will take several hours.

“We get about three hours to present information to the state review team that includes representatives from 14 different state agencies,” said Leist. “It’s our chance to bring the plan that we presented to them back in August to life. We’ll show them some of the sites where the projects would take place and sell them on Culver while they’re here.”

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Town of Culver Prepares for Stellar Site Visit

The Town of Culver is beginning preparations for a visit from officials with the Stellar Communities Designation Program. The event is set for Oct. 5.

The goal of the Indiana Stellar Communities Designation Program is to help rural towns, like Culver, gather the resources needed to invest in improvements for economic revitalization. Those projects could include housing or other community-minded interests to renew spirit to the area or to alleviate decline.

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Culver Town Council, Stellar Committee Prepare for Site Visit

The finishing touches are complete on the Stellar Strategic Investment Plan for submission to the Stellar Communities Designation Program committee for the Town of Culver.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Union Township submitted a letter of support toward the project along with a $40,000 contribution toward the effort. The Marshall County Community Foundation, in coordination with the Vonnegut Fund through the organization, contributed $80,000 toward the bike and pedestrian trail project and Elkay Manufacturing is partnering with the town to provide cabinetry and plumbing fixtures for the proposed Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

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Culver Redevelopment Commission Approves Resolution for Stellar Commitment

The Culver Redevelopment Commission (CRC) approved a resolution Tuesday night for their commitment toward a project within the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist said two options were available. One option included the INDOT grant and an in-kind commitment from the Marshall County Commissioners for the proposed walking/biking trail. The trail in this proposal would go through the Culver Town Park on the west end of Washington Street all the way to the Culver Military Academy Leist said there is one section of the trail that would need to be contracted out and that is by the lighthouse up to the beach lodge. He explained that it’s too steep to be done internally.

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Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater Project Closer to Construction

The Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater project in Culver is nearing the construction phase.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the Culver Town Council members last week that $47,501 was transferred from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for this project. The town was able to get a $30,000 state grant along with additional online crowdfunding for the project. That money, along with the first half of the Marshall County Community Foundation grant, will allow the council to move forward with the construction phase.

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Culver Town Council Discusses Crosswalks

The Culver Town Council will be looking at an ordinance that reviews the enforcement of the brick-paved crosswalks in town.

There are several crosswalks on Lake Shore Drive and on Main Street that are designated by a brick walkway. Residents are concerned about confusion between drivers and pedestrians as to which party has the right-of-way and if they are a legal crosswalk.

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Culver Town Council Receives Stellar Update

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist updated the Culver Town Council this week on work being done toward being designated a stellar community with the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Leist said he and Utility Superintendent Bob Porter met with Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters to review details for the walking/biking trail. The Marshall County Commissioners agreed to pave one mile of the walking/biking trail as an in-kind contribution for this project within the town’s Stellar plan.

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Marshall County Council Supports Culver’s Stellar Communities Projects

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe and Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist went before the Marshall County Council to ask for a letter of support to include in their application for the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Munroe mentioned that the town is attempting to show that the town is working with the county and that the county can benefit from the projects that are proposed in the Stellar Communities plan. The commissioners have already approved an in-kind donation of the installation of one mile of the walking/biking trail through the Culver Town Park and around Lake Maxinkuckee. The township is also putting forth support of the Cavalier Sports Center for upgrades and additions to the facilities at the Culver Community School Corporation. Several local and county organizations have offered grant match money for the various projects in the plan as well as in-kind donations and volunteer efforts.

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Culver Movie Theater Proposals Headed to the CRC

The Culver Town Council discussed the purchase of the Culver Movie Theater and received two proposals that will give the council and the Culver Redevelopment Commission a better idea of what to expect in terms of costs.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented proposals from the Troyer Group and SRKM that he said include plans for a public meeting to gather comments on the uses for the theater, a preliminary project budget for outlaying the capital costs for repairs on the building, a structural engineering assessment of the building, and a basic outline for a business plan with annual expenses versus revenue expenses for whatever concept may occupy the building.

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