Plymouth Street Department to Assist Residents with Flood Cleanup

The Plymouth City Council took action to assist those affected with flood damage with cleanup efforts.

A resolution was passed Monday night that moves $100,000 within the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund into contractual services for relief efforts. Street Department Superintendent Jim Marquardt said residents and businesses suffering damage from the flood should separate drywall, carpeting and wood items from electronics and appliances and place it in an area to be picked up. Chemicals will be under the jurisdiction of the Solid Waste District. The debris will be picked up by members of the street department and disposed of as necessary.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where the members will ratify an executive order designating a watch level travel advisory due to flood conditions. The board is also expected to receive reports from department heads and City Engineer Rick Gaul who has a discussion topic concerning the traffic signal at the intersection of Oakhill/Soice and Michigan Street.

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Plymouth Street Department to Update Lighting

The Plymouth Street Department’s main building and cold storage will get a lighting upgrade.

Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt told the Plymouth City Council members last week that they are no longer able to find the fluorescent bulbs for the building at a reasonable rate. A light survey was done by the members of the company who completed other lighting projects for other city buildings. It was determined that the fixtures to accommodate LED lighting would cost nearly $30,000. The street department crew will install the fixtures.

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User Fee Schedule Subcommittee Still Reviewing Reports

The City of Plymouth User Fee Schedule Subcommittee members are reviewing department reports before bringing a recommendation for proposed user fee rate changes at an upcoming meeting.

Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter told the Plymouth City Council members that he is waiting on information from the police department and the fire department. Those statistics are expected on Wednesday so the subcommittee can formulate a plan to proceed.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where the board members will have an update on the U.S. 30 and Baker Ditch bridges project as well as the Greenways Trail Phase II project from City Engineer Rick Gaul. Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson will have a grant application and a request for approval of substantial completion of the wastewater plant.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Transfer of Cash for Greenways Trail Project Fund

The Plymouth City Council members approved the transfer of cash from the Rainy Day Fund to the Greenways Trail project fund in the form of a resolution.

In a previous story, Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver explained that the city council already authorized the transfer of $250,000 in cash from the Rainy Day Fund to the Greenway Trails Fund. Xaver explained that in order to cover the city’s share and to adequately keep funds in that budget line item the transfer needed to take place. The city will pay for invoices up front and the state will reimburse the city 80 percent of the costs.

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Plymouth BOW/City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where City Engineer Rick Gaul will have several updates on discussion items. He will present information on the Plum and Jefferson Street intersection, Baker survey issues, Baker Ditch Bridges, and U.S. 30 ramp detour. City Attorney Sean Surrisi will ask the board members to ratify the temporary closure of East Garro Street for the City Hall project. The board will also consider an agreement between the Plymouth Community Ambulance Service and the State of Indiana for the annual government ambulance payment adjustment for managed care service. An agreement for the preparation of the provider cost report for 2017 will also be considered.

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Plymouth City Council to Approve Rainy Day Fund Transfer Resolution

The Plymouth City Council will approve a resolution at their meeting next week pertaining to a transfer of money for the Greenway Trail project.

According to Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver, the city council authorized the transfer of $250,000 in cash from the Rainy Day Fund to the Greenway Trails Fund. Xaver explained that in order to cover the city’s share and to adequately keep funds in that budget line item the transfer needs to take place. The city will pay for invoices up front and the state will reimburse the city 80 percent of the costs.

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Plymouth City Council to Discuss User Fees

A committee is looking into the user fees for the City of Plymouth to determine any increases needed.

Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver reminded the Plymouth City Council that she asked them in July of last year how a shortfall of approximately $452,000 will be made up due to a loss in property tax revenue. She said the loss could be due to tax abatements, property tax appeals, unpaid property taxes and property tax caps. In August of last year, she asked the council members how they were going to offset the raises for firefighters and police officers. Volunteers offered to form a committee to research user fees and possibly present a restructured fee schedule with increases to help offset the revenue loss.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Pertaining to Planning Services to be Reviewed Monday

The intergovernmental agreement between Marshall County and the City of Plymouth for planning services with Planning Director Ralph Booker will be discussed by the Plymouth City Council members on Monday.

County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the Marshall County Commissioners on Tuesday morning that Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi was off much of the last part of December and didn’t have a chance to review the paperwork prior to Tuesday’s commissioners meeting.

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Plymouth Clerk-Treasurer Permitted to Carry out Year-End Financial Obligations

Plymouth Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver sought permission to carry out year-end financial obligations during the city council meeting Wednesday night.

Clerk-Treasurer Xaver asked board members for the go ahead to make year-end transfers and encumbrances as necessary. She added that the figures will be added to the minutes from the meeting. Continue reading

Plymouth City Council Members Approve all Appointments as Presented

Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter and City Council members unanimously approved all appointments as presented during Wednesday night’s city council meeting. The council appointed Billy Ellinger and Mike Miley to the Redevelopment Commission. Each of them will serve a 1-year term, ending December 31st 2018.

The Mayor’s report included appointing Ken Houin and Joe Mersch to the Aviation Commissioners, Robert Listenberger to the Park and Recreation Board and Art Jacobs to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Each of those members will serve 4-year terms, ending December 31st 2021. Continue reading

Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety and City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will open bids for 2018 fuel and street supplies when they meet tonight at 6 p.m. ET. The City Engineer is scheduled to discuss 2017 Community Crossing Matching Grant Project contracts. Reports will be presented from various department heads, the City Attorney and the Secretary and Finance Officer. Mayor Mark Senter will also provide board members with a report.

Additional business includes a discussion over traffic on Plum Street and accepting November 2017 reports from the Water and Wastewater departments.

At 6:30 p.m., or immediately following the first meeting, Plymouth City Council members will convene. Members will first address any unfinished business including any tabled ordinances, resolutions or other items. Continue reading

Plymouth City Council Discusses Park Department Fee Schedule

The Plymouth City Council members reviewed the proposed park department fee ordinance when they met last week.

The park board approved the fee schedule two weeks ago. Park Superintendent Michael Hite noted that he meets with the executive board once a year to go over the fees. He said in 2011 there were increases, but lowered them in 2013 because a lot of the buildings were not rented because of the higher fees. He mentioned that the rates for 2018 are the same as 2017.

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Plymouth City Council Discusses Agreement with Marshall County Council on Aging

The Plymouth City Council members last week reviewed an agreement with the Marshall County Council on Aging for 2018.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained that the agreement is unchanged from last year’s terms. It confirms the city’s contribution of $8,000 to help support the community cab program. The program is an effort by the county and the city to provide public transportation to residents.

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