Plymouth Board of Works Approves Bowen Printing Property Sale

Source: Bowen Printing Facebook Page

A proposal requesting the sale of a city-owned building that sustained major flood damage was brought to the attention of Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members when they met last Monday.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained that a structure at 200 South Michigan is city-owned but has been leased to the company Bowen Printing for many years. Continue reading

Street Closure Request for Downtown Merchants’ Second Friday Events Approved by Plymouth BOW

Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members considered a street closure request when they met last week.

Last Monday night, BOW members received a request submitted by Promotion of the City Coodinator Laura Mann.

Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver read the request, explaining that it asked to close Garro Street, west of Michigan Street and east of the alley, for the 2nd Friday events sponsored by the Downtown Merchants’ Group. Continue reading

Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Members Consider Request to Work in Right-of-Way

City Engineer Rick Gaul approached the Plymouth Board of Works members with a request related to working in the right-of-way when they met last Monday.

Gaul explained that the request was submitted from United Telephone, or CenturyLink Services. According to Gaul, the company asked to run an underground communications line off of Evergreen Drive, perpendicular to the right-of-way, in order to bring services to a property at 212 Eastwood Estates. Continue reading

Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Members Receive Tentative List of Sidewalks for the ADA Transition Plan

A tentative list of proposed sidewalk projects for Plymouth’s ADA Transition plan was presented at the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting earlier this week.

Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt explained that the list is currently incomplete because he intends to meet with a representative from Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG). Together, they will assess the status of the walkways within the city and determine which areas are not in compliance with ADA specifications.

For the time being, he presented members with some sidewalks that are noticeably in need of upgrades. Continue reading

Plymouth BOW Awards Spring Project Bids

Bid awards for the spring surface treatment, street and sidewalk projects were considered during Monday night’s Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.

City Engineer Rick Gaul informed the BOW members that the bid for the spring surface treatment project that was submitted by Pavement Solutions initially came in over budget at $240,788.98.

He said in order to bring down the cost, the proposed streets in the project were assessed. Gaul said after consulting with Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt and Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver about the specifics, he felt the work on Randolph Street could wait while the work on Webster Avenue was established as the highest priority. Continue reading

Plymouth Department Heads Seek Permission for Quotes and Grants

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members considered several department head requests to seek quotes for equipment and grants.

Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson is seeking quotes for the replacement of a service truck for the water department. He also asked to get quotes for a one-ton dump truck for the wastewater department. Both vehicle purchases are included in the department’s budget for capital improvement projects.

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Bids Opened for Street and Sidewalk Projects in Plymouth

Bids were opened Monday night for proposed surface treatment projects and street and sidewalk projects in Plymouth this spring.

Plymouth City Engineer Rick Gaul explained that one bid was received for the surface treatment projects. Gaul said he contacted six microsurface companies to submit bids for the projects, but only one bid was received. Pavement Solutions, Inc. bid $240,788.98. Gaul asked the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members to take the bid under consideration to ensure it meets all requirements.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members plan on opening bids for surface treatment spring projects and street and sidewalk projects when they meet tonight. The board members will also consider a conditional offer of employment for a paramedic position and a request to release partial retainage funds for Kokosing Industrial for work done on the wastewater treatment facility.

The board will meet at 6 p.m. tonight followed by the Plymouth City Council meeting.

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Plymouth Fire Department to Pay for Medications for Ambulances

The Plymouth Fire Department will now begin paying for medications supplied in the city’s ambulances.

Fire Chief Rod Miller told the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members last week that the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center will begin charging the city for the pharmaceuticals and supplies that were provided free of charge. He said the hospital is no longer able to supply the needs for free.

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Phi Delta Kappa to Pay Water Bill Despite Appeal

The members of the Phi Delta Kappa will have to pay a $750 water bill despite not knowing what happened to the water that was registered through the city’s meters.

The issue was brought before the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members during the Feb. 12 meeting. The organization received a water bill for $750 and appealed the bill stating that they have a leaky toilet, but it’s not known how some 100,000 gallons of water was registered in January.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where the members will ratify an executive order designating a watch level travel advisory due to flood conditions. The board is also expected to receive reports from department heads and City Engineer Rick Gaul who has a discussion topic concerning the traffic signal at the intersection of Oakhill/Soice and Michigan Street.

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Plymouth Utility Superintendent to Apply for Grant

Plymouth Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson requested permission from the Board of Public Works and Safety members this week to apply for grant money for a few items.

He explained that he is seeking grant funds to purchase a tripod with a 150-foot retrieval cable for the water department. He said workers often enter confined spaces and this would be a good tool in case something happens and someone needs to be retrieved from an underground space.

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Plymouth BOW Members Approve Police Vehicle Purchase, Officer Promotions

The Plymouth Police Department will be getting two new police vehicles.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members approved a quote from Oliver Ford in Plymouth for two vehicles for the police department. The quote was for $28,150 per unit with two trade-ins. A 2011 Ford Crown Victoria will be traded in at a cost of $1,500 and a 2013 Dodge Charger will be traded in at a cost of $2,500.

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Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet tonight where the board members will have an update on the U.S. 30 and Baker Ditch bridges project as well as the Greenways Trail Phase II project from City Engineer Rick Gaul. Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson will have a grant application and a request for approval of substantial completion of the wastewater plant.

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