Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Members Consider Request to Work in Right-of-Way

City Engineer Rick Gaul approached the Plymouth Board of Works members with a request related to working in the right-of-way when they met last Monday.

Gaul explained that the request was submitted from United Telephone, or CenturyLink Services. According to Gaul, the company asked to run an underground communications line off of Evergreen Drive, perpendicular to the right-of-way, in order to bring services to a property at 212 Eastwood Estates.

Gaul said crews would need to work in the right-of-way to install the line and presented members with a few more details about the proposal.

“Essentially, the only thing they’ll be going under is a sidewalk. We really didn’t know if there were any gas lines or exactly what was in that area, we know there were some utilities.” Gaul went on, “We thought that the $5,000 financial guarantee should still hold, once it is completed, it would be returned to them.”

Mayor Mark Senter inquired about the Eastwood Estates property, asking if it was business. Gaul replied it was a residential house and Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt added that he believes there is a home office running out of the residence.

The request received unanimous approval from the members of the Board of Works.