Marshall County Council Approves Job Description and Wage for Part-Time Court Security Officer

A job description and wage for the newly created position of a part-time court security officer was presented to Marshall County Council members Tuesday morning.

Sheriff Matt Hassel explained that he recently received a job description and wage recommendation from Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele after initially submitting a suggested description in April. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Meets Today

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel is expected to discuss a part-time security officer and will submit a request to apply for a marine patrol assistance grant when County Council members meet today.

County Council members are also anticipated to receive a presentation over a supportive housing project from Garden Court, Inc representatives Brent Martin and Jim Causey. A job description and wage for a code enforcement officer will be discussed by Plan Director Ty Adley and Health Administrator Christine Stinson will submit two grant application requests. Continue reading