The Culver Town Council members approved a quote from a contractor to demolish the unsafe structure at 808 Obipso Street.
Culver Town Council Approves Regional Stellar Resolution
The Culver Town Council members considered a resolution for the town’s contribution toward a project in the county’s Regional Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Culver Stellar Projects Approved for Funding
The applications submitted to the Office of Community and Rural Affairs by the Culver Town Council have received official approval.
Culver Developer Submits Application for Additional Housing Complex
Developer Kevin Berger and the Town of Culver submitted an application to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for tax credit funding to support the construction of a Stellar Communities housing project. Continue reading
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight.
Two Republican Candidates Chosen in Culver Town Convention
The Culver Town Council will have two new faces in 2019. Two seats are open on the Culver Town Council in the General Election.
Marshall County Council Supports Quest in Regional Stellar Effort
The Marshall County Council members pledged their full support in an effort to reach a Regional Stellar Communities Designation.
Adaptive Water Ski Clinic Planned this Weekend at Lake Maxinkuckee
An adaptive water ski clinic is set for this weekend at Lake Maxinkuckee in Culver.
Culver Redevelopment Commission to Meet Monday
Culver Redevelopment Commission President Rich West told the Culver Town Council members this week that the CRC meeting on Monday, Aug. 20 will feature representatives from Marshall County Fiber and Rochester Telephone to respond to survey results.
Culver Town Attorney Gives Updates on Unsafe Properties
Culver Town Attorney Jim Clevenger updated the Culver Town Council on several unsafe buildings that have been the topic of several legal proceedings.
Funds Not Yet Available for Culver Stellar Projects
The Town of Culver is awaiting grant funds to begin two major projects outlined in the town’s Stellar Communities Designation Program plans.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. ET where they will gather information about an Eagle Scout project in the Culver-Union Township Park. They will also consider a Fall Fest special event request and get an update on projects within the town’s Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Culver Town Convention Set for Aug. 20
A Town Convention is set for Monday, Aug. 20 to select two Republican candidates for two Culver Town Council seats open in the November General Election.
No New Candidate Filings for Culver, Bourbon Town Council Seats
No additional candidates filed by yesterday’s deadline to be included in town conventions for available seats on the Culver Town Council and the Bourbon Town Council.
Culver Town Council to Enter into Budget Work Sessions
The Culver Town Council members will enter into budget work sessions next week.
Culver, Bourbon Town Conventions to be Scheduled
Town conventions will be held to determine candidates for the November General Election Ballot for the Culver Town Council and the Bourbon Town Council.
Culver Town Council Approves Quote for Well Work
Well B at the Culver Water Plant will be cleaned and repaired after the Culver Town Council approved a quote for that work to start.
Roof at Culver-Union Township Fire Station to be Repaired
The roof at the Culver-Union Township Fire Station will be repaired.
Stellar Projects Moving Forward in Culver
Culver Town Council members hope that work can begin this year on two major Stellar Communities Designation program projects.
Culver Officials Working on Proposal for 2019 Community Crossings Projects
Applications for the 2019 Community Crossings grant program through the Indiana Department of transportation are due in August.