Culver Town Council Discusses Amendment to Zoning Ordinance

The Culver Town Council members considered an amendment to the zoning ordinance with the addition of some language. 

In previous discussions, the main concern with the most recent amendment was the portion pertaining to existing non-conforming structures with plans to add a story or completely raze the building and build a new structure.  The change states that a person can build on the same foundation, but the structure cannot be outside of the perimeters of the original construction.  The structure can be taller up to 35 feet, but the other boundaries must remain the same. 

After consideration, the council members voted in favor to add language that would require approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals if there is repair, maintenance or replacement in the living area under the roof. The prior version stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals would not need to approve this type of construction, but the neighbors would have to be notified. 

The amendment with the added language will go back to the Culver Planning Commission members who will either approve or deny the change. 

The other portion of the ordinance amendment includes updates to include the complete streets policy, catch basin specifications and flood control standards, height restrictions and establishing grade for clarification, the definition of public and private sewers, system of treating private wastewater that is limited in scope and relies on onsite system treatment, system of treating public wastewater that lawfully accepts effluent from multiple households or residences, and general formatting corrections.

Culver Town Council Waits to Consider Reading on Ordinance Amendment

The Culver Town Council members agreed to hold off on going through with the first reading of an amendment concerning the zoning and subdivision ordinance. 

Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe was not present at the meeting Tuesday night and Vice President Bill Githens, who was in charge of the meeting, asked to wait until the full council was present to move forward with full discussions on the matter.

The main concern was the portion pertaining to existing non-conforming structures with plans to add a story or completely raze the building and build a new structure.  The change states that that a person can build on the same foundation, but the structure cannot be outside of perimeters of the original construction.  The structure can be taller up to 35 feet, but the other boundaries must remain the same.  The Board of Zoning Appeals would not need to approve this type of construction, but the neighbors would have to be notified.

The other portion of the ordinance amendment includes updates to include the complete streets policy, catch basin specifications and flood control standards, height restrictions and establishing grade for clarification, the definition of public and private sewers, system of treating private wastewater that is limited in scope and relies on onsite system treatment, system of treating public wastewater that lawfully accepts effluent from multiple households or residences, and general formatting corrections.

The ordinance will be considered for first reading at the council’s next meeting on Tuesday, July 23.