Culver Town Council Approves Purchase of Plow Truck

The Culver Utility Department will be getting a new snow plow truck.

During the Culver Town Council meeting on June 11, Utility Superintendent Bob Porter told the council members that a company representative presented a plow truck for demonstration at Porter’s office and noted that the truck could be sold to them at a steep discount since it was a demonstration model. 

At the time, Porter said the truck fit the needs of the department and asked to purchase the truck then, but it was recommended that Porter obtain at least three quotes of a similar truck for comparison purposes. 

At this week’s meeting, Porter presented a quote for a plow truck that was nearly $30,000 more than the demo truck he previously discussed with the council. 

The council allowed Porter to purchase the demo plow truck initially requested with a trade-in price of $137,900.  The funding will come from the water, sewer and storm sewer accounts.