Marshall County to Question Method for Budget Transfers

Marshall County Council
Marshall County Council

The Marshall County Council may soon be considering how they approve budget transfers.

During Monday morning’s meeting, administrators within the county government questioned how the County Council is now approving budget transfers. According to multiple department heads, county elected officials are not necessarily required to approve budget line item transfers within the same fund.
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Culver School Board Considers Removing Spring Intercession

Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel
Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos
Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel

Budget issues have forced the Culver School Board to consider removing the April intercession period from the school calendar. It’s a one-week period immediately following spring break in which students who are struggling with certain classes can work to improve their grades. Continue reading

Marshall County Considers Setting Curfew Amid State Changes

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

Marshall County may soon consider an ordinance specifying a curfew for youth residing, or traveling through the County.

During Monday morning’s Marshall County Commissioner’s meeting, Sheriff Matt Hassel explained to the board that the state of Indiana has made changes leaving the responsibility on several matters up to local governments.
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