Commissioners Considers Various Options for Securing County Building

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

Another option for securing the Marshall County Building will be presented to the County Council at their meeting next week.

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel discussed a recommendation from the County’s Personnel Committee to hire another security officer during Monday’s Commissioner’s Meeting. The recommendation comes following a previous recommendation to hire a deputy EMA Director to provide security at the site.
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Bremen Man Faces Felony Weapons Charge

John Slabaugh
John Slabaugh

A Bremen man faces drug and weapons charges following a Saturday afternoon altercation. Deputies from the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department responded to a report of a fight in the 300 block of 4th Road in Bremen at 2:22 p.m., according to the incident report. After the fight, 46-year-old John A. Slabaugh reportedly fired two shots from a 40 caliber handgun at  the other person. Continue reading

Hoosiers Continue to Struggle With Hunger

Donating items like these to food pantries can help bridge the meal gap experienced by many Hoosiers.
Donating items like these to food pantries can help bridge the meal gap experienced by many Hoosiers.

The 2016 “Map the Meal Gap” report shows there still too many Hoosiers who go hungry. The annual study by the group Feeding America details food insecurity rates in every county and congressional district in the country. It found 15 percent of Indiana’s population is “food insecure.” Emily Weikert Bryant of Feeding Indiana’s Hungry says that’s over a million people. Continue reading