Races set for General Election

The City of Plymouth mayoral race is set for the General Election.  Democrat Rex Crump will face Republican Mark Senter in the General Election for mayor. Crump defeated Democrat Anthony “Tony” P. Gamble in Tuesday night’s Primary Municipal Election.

Three Republican candidates will move on in the city council at-large race in the General Election. Mike Delp, Burke L. Richeson and Bill Walters will face Democrats Gary Cook, Jeffery R. Houin and Josh Walker for three city council at-large seats.

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Construction on 7th Road Project Continues

The 7th Road project in Plymouth should be complete by the end of June.

Project Supervisor Bart Trester from USI Consultants told the Marshall County Commissioners on Monday that the center of the roundabout is open to traffic in order for construction to occur on the east and west third of the circular intersection. Crews will return the traffic pattern to travel around the roundabout when that phase is complete. The project is anticipated to be done by the end of June.

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Lacking Revenue, Participation Prompt Culver School Board to Eliminate “Shop” Program

The Culver School Corporation is hoping students find other classes to take after a decision on Monday night to eliminate an academic program.

Lacking student participation and enrollment prompted administration with Culver Schools to propose scrapping the Industrial Technology classes at the high school and middle school. The classes are more commonly known as “shop.”
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City of Plymouth to Celebrate National Day of Prayer Tomorrow

Churches, business and civic leaders and Marshall County residents will join in prayer and fellowship tomorrow to celebrate the National Day of Prayer. Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter will keynote the City of Plymouth National Day of Prayer Breakfast. It starts at 6:30 a.m. at the Christo’s Banquet Center. Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit local Boy Scouts of America Troops and Packs. Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners Approve LOHUT Recommendation

In order to generate funding for county and local roads, the Marshall County Commissioners approved a recommendation to the county council to enact a Local Option Highway User Tax (LOHUT). A LOHUT contains a vehicle excise tax and wheel tax.

Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters said the county now operates with $850,000 for road projects. With the addition of relinquishment funds of $350,000, the county will have $1.2 million to chip and seal 13.5 miles of road and to pave five miles of road this year. The $1.2 million figure also includes dust control and the acquisition of materials.

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Polls Open today for City of Plymouth Primary Municipal Election

Residents in the City of Plymouth are encouraged to exercise their right to vote in today’s City of Plymouth Primary Municipal Election.

The polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET at the National Guard Armory for Center 1 and Center 2 precinct voters in Plymouth. The Knights of Columbus will be the polling site for Center 3 and Center 4 precinct voters.

The Marshall County Clerk’s Office received 179 total absentee votes. Of those votes, 12 mail-in, 97 travel board, and 71 walk-in ballots were collected. Those ballots will be tallied along with the results when the polls close this evening.

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Matching Grant Opportunities Allow Flexibility For Local Charitable Group

The Marshall County Community Foundation is inching closer to receiving some major grant funds.

The Lilly Endowment announced a matching funds grant challenge in 2014. The Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) grant is designed to give charitable organizations a bit of flexibility in how their funds are used. According to a press release, local communities have raised around $130-million for communities in the state.

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Plymouth School Board to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Community School Board will consider selection for curriculum content adoption when they meet tonight. They’re making plans for summer school as well as for the 2015-16 academic year.

Board members will also review professional development and have items presented by the Weidner School of Inquiry. The advance agenda also indicates handbooks and a transportation proposal will be reviewed.

The school board will meet at 7 p.m. ET in the school corporation’s central office.

Charges Filed in Bremen Homicide

A Bremen man faces murder and other felony charges in the beating death of a 15-year-old Bremen girl.

Desi Jones’ body was found on Friday, Dec. 19 by a man walking his dog a just off of 5th Road in rural Marshall County, according to court documents. Fabian Roman Rubio, 20, also of Bremen, is charged with murder, sexual misconduct with a minor and abuse of a corpse in connection with Jones’ death. During a news conference, Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman said investigators needed to determine the cause of death.

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Today is Last Day to Vote Absentee

Today is the last chance to vote absentee in the City of Plymouth Primary Municipal Election.

An absentee ballot may be cast in the Marshall County Clerk’s office from 8 a.m. to noon today. As of Friday, 155 in-office, mail-in and travel board absentee ballots have been cast.

The polls will be open tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the National Guard Armory for Center 1 and Center 2 precinct voters in Plymouth. The Knights of Columbus will be the polling site for Center 3 and Center 4 precinct voters in Plymouth. To check eligibility, call the clerk’s office at 935-8713.

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Marshall County Commissioners to Discuss LOHUT in Today’s Meeting

A local resident will be giving her opinion about a wheel tax to the Marshall County Commissioners when they meet this morning.

The Culver Town Council and the Plymouth Common Council have approved letters of support to the Marshall County Commissioners and the council for a proposed Local Option Highway User Tax (LOHUT). A LOHUT includes a vehicle excise tax and wheel tax that is payable at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles when vehicle registration is due. Those fees will be distributed to the county for use to construct, reconstruct, repair or maintain streets under county, city or town jurisdiction.

C Continue reading

Ancilla College President Discusses Agriculture Program

Ancilla College is adding a new two-year degree program in agriculture. President Dr. Ken Zirkle says classes will be offered this fall. Students who complete the program can either transfer to Purdue and get a bachelor’s degree or enter the workforce.

Zirkle says the head of a regional agriculture-related corporation recently told him they need workers with training beyond high school but not a bachelor’s degree. He says that’s a perfect fit for what Ancilla has to offer. School officials will be working with local corporations to develop classes to meet their needs. Continue reading

Absentee Voting Available Today

Voters in the City of Plymouth Primary Municipal Election have a chance to vote absentee today in the Marshall County Clerk’s office.

The Marshall County Courthouse is open to absentee voters today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET. One more opportunity remains to vote absentee. The last chance to submit a ballot before Election Day is Monday, May 4 from 8 a.m. to noon.

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