The Indiana Board of Animal Health has decided to lift their ban on the movement of poultry, today.
Four Nominees Vying for Marshall County Sheriff
Four names have filed with the Marshall County Clerk’s office to seek the office of Sheriff in Marshall County.
The Republican Party plans to caucus on September 29th to make its selection for the office. A vacancy was opened following the death of Tom Chamberlin – who had an extended battle with cancer.
Non-binding Budget Review Brings Unanimous Approval
The Marshall County Council used the opportunity for non-binding budget reviews to unanimously approve each submission.
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Favorable Comments Offered During City Budget Hearing
Comments offered during Monday’s City of Plymouth pre-budget adoption hearing were all favorable. Continue reading
Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Arrest
A Bloomington man faces drug charges in Marshall County following a Sunday traffic stop. Continue reading
Marshall County Council Makes Budget Cuts for 2016
The Marshall County Council reviewed budget requests during a meeting Monday morning, but with the aim of reducing quite a few expenditures for 2016.
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Plymouth Council Adds Teeth to Parking Enforcement
Repeat City of Plymouth parking ordinance violators will now be subject to hefty fines and possible vehicle impoundment. The common council last night passed an ordinance on second and third reading to increase the fine for a third offense in 30 days or less from $50 to $100. Continue reading
Indiana Sees Rise in Deer Collision Odds
A major insurance company says Indiana drivers are 21-percent more likely to hit a deer than there were last year.
State Farm Insurance says this is the second straight year Indiana has seen the increase. Data is developed using the company’s claims and driver counts from the Federal Highway Administration.
FEMA Denies Disaster Assistance Request, Pence Orders Appeal
Gov. Mike Pence has directed the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to pursue an appeal after FEMA denied the state’s request for federal disaster assistance for 19 counties affected by flooding in June and July. That list of counties includes Marshall, Fulton and Pulaski Counties. Assistance would have provided grants to government and nonprofit agencies. Continue reading
Plymouth Budget Hearing Scheduled Tonight
The Plymouth Common Council will conduct a pre-adoption hearing for the 2016 budget when they meet this evening. Their session will begin at 6:30 or immediately following the conclusion of the city board of works meeting, which starts at 6 p.m. Continue reading
Plymouth Couple Arrested Following DCS Report
A Plymouth couple faces charges following a police investigation prompted by a complaint to the Department of Child Services. The agency contacted the Plymouth Police Department last month about unfit living conditions at a home in the 1600 block of North Michigan Street. Continue reading
Marshall County Council Anticipates 2016 Budget Adoption
The Marshall County Council intends to hold a hearing on their fiscal year 2016 budget.
Non-binding budget reviews will take place on Monday morning following the regular meeting of the County Council. According to the agenda, each department’s budget will be considered by the Council prior to a formal request to adopt the budget.
Best Friend of Cancer Patient Advocates for Awareness
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. A North Judson woman is advocating for awareness on behalf of her best friend of more than four decades, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer five years ago. Jill Rhoda says Debbie Johnston was getting her kindergarten classroom in Fort Wayne ready for another school year and wasn’t feeling well.
“She noticed things like shortness of breath and feeling full after eating a little amount of food. She said she would feel full like she’d just eaten a Thanksgiving dinner. Fatigue, different things that can be attributed to so many other illnesses.” Continue reading
Mishawaka Woman Sentenced on Marshall County Drug Charges
A Mishawaka woman who admitted trying to sell prescription pain pills was sentenced recently to 10 years in prison, with six years executed and four years suspended. Continue reading
Culver Businesses to Close by September’s End
The owner of two businesses in Culver says it’s an exciting, but also a sad time.
George Pesek, owner of Corndance Cafe and Evil Czech Brewery in Culver, announced to employees on Thursday that both locations would be closing before the end of September. Pesek says he opened similar locations in Mishawaka, the demand for which has been relatively large compared to Culver.
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Plymouth Officials Dedicate Gateway Sign
Plymouth officials yesterday cut the ribbon to dedicate the new gateway sign at the north entrance to the city. It sits just to the south of the roundabout on Michigan Road at Veterans Parkway. Continue reading
Plymouth Students Recognize Organ Donation During Football Game
Plymouth students showed their support for organ donation during Friday night’s football game between the Rockies and Northridge.
MCEDC Reports Strong Growth, New Challenges in Annual Report Presentation
The Marshall County Economic Development Corporation says communities are now working toward similar goals in Marshall County.
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Culver Clarifies Nuisance Violations Following Ordinance Adoption
The Town of Culver is attempting to make sure everybody is on the same page when enforcing violations of a newly updated ordinance.
Town Council members approved the amendments to their Nuisance Ordinance in August, specifying grass length and the types of items that are allowed in yards. The administration wanted to ensure they were interpreting the language correctly during a work session meeting on Tuesday night.
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Marshall County Courts to Bring Statewide Information
Marshall County will be deploying a statewide case management system for its courts next year.
The county currently uses “CSI.” Officials from the county say the software has worked well, and they’ve been offered quality customer support. The state of Indiana, however, has made a push to put case management for their courts on a statewide system. The new system is called “Odyssey.”
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