Town of Bremen Continues Work on Old Gas Station Property

Bremen town officials are continuing efforts to clean up the old Clark gas station at the corner of State Road 106 and State Road 331.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said he signed a contract last week to have the old gas tanks extracted the first week of December. The canopy and the building at that location have been demolished. The area was deemed an eyesore for many years. Continue reading

Baker Street Project Complete

The Safe Routes to School project on Baker Street in Plymouth is complete.

The months-long project wrapped up on Monday. New sidewalks, curbs and gutters were installed to allow for a better walking path for students on their way to the schools. The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety previously approved a bid for just over $300,000 for the project. The city’s share of that is approximately $61,000.

City Engineer Rick Gaul told the board members on Monday that a change order will be presented to the board during a future meeting. He said he anticipates the entire amount will be under construction project cost.

The project had been in the works since 2014.

Police Seeking Information in Bourbon Burglary

Detectives with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department are seeking information about a reported burglary at the Back Forty Sporting Clays and Banquet Hall in Bourbon.

Police were called to the business at 1010 9B Road to investigate the incident. The burglary reportedly occurred sometime between 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 29 and 9 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 30. According to police, some unknown person or persons broke into the business and removed a Daisy BB gun, a Crackshot .22 rifle, ammunition, and approximately $100 in cash.

If anyone has information about this crime, call the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department at (574) 936-3187.

Plymouth City Council Considers Property as an Economic Revitalization, Target Area

The Plymouth City Council members heard a request from Developer Scott Sivan to create the property for the housing development River Gate South as an Economic Development Target Area and Economic Revitalization Area.

Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez said this is the first step in a process for the ultimate request for a real property tax abatement for the project.

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Funds Transfer Approved for Utilities at Shady Rest Home, County Facilities

Shady Rest Home

The Marshall County Council members were tasked with approving the transfer of funds to ensure payment of utilities at the Shady Rest Home and for other county facilities for the remainder of the year.

The county received the operation of the county home on Lincoln Highway in August when the Bowen Center decided to cease operations at the facility. The structure has been vacant since that time, but a nine-member Shady Rest Home committee is working to find a tenant to bring needed services to aid the residents of Marshall County.

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Bremen Downtown Revitalization for Streets and Sidewalks Gets Green Light

The Bremen Town Council members learned this week that the Indiana Department of Transportation has green-lighted funding for a downtown revitalization effort in 2019.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy explained that INDOT originally pushed back the project until 2023 but found funding for the request for 2019 following a meeting between the entities. He said $1.2 million will be used to renovate the downtown area. He said the streets will be lowered with updates to sidewalks and lighting.

Relocation of Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee Visitor’s Center Discussed

The Culver Town Council members revisited a request this week from Becca Pazin with the Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee Visitor’s Center to move her office from the bank building downtown to the Culver Beach Lodge.

She explained that the change in location would create better visibility of the office for tourists. Her office would be located on the third floor of the beach lodge. The move also allows more space for her especially in terms of meeting space. She could have more private conversations with visitors to the visitor’s center or clients to discuss business. There would be more space to display brochures available to attractions in Culver and Marshall County. Continue reading

Plymouth BOW Holds Discussion on TechFarm Agreement Amendment

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety held discussion on an amendment to the techFarm land sales agreement with Van Vactor Farms on Monday night.

Under the current agreement, which is amended from the original agreement, when land is sold in the techFarm area the money from the sale is split between Van Vactor Farms and the City of Plymouth. The city’s portion goes into a monetary gift fund to be used at the discretion of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members to enhance the city. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Approves Community Corrections Grant Request

Marshall County Community Corrections Executive Director Ward Byers approached the county council on Monday morning asking for approval to seek grant funding for the department’s budget.

Byers said this request is in accordance with the preparation of the 2019 Fiscal Year budget.

“Our current fiscal year budget is $403,100,” said Byers. “I’m not certain if that’s going to go up at all. The advisory board has not reviewed any numbers yet. That will be done at December’s meeting.” Continue reading

Grant Request Approved for Marshall County Health Department

Marshall County Health Department Administrator Christine Stinson asked the county council to approve a grant request application for a $2,500 mini grant from the Indiana State Association of County and City Health Officers.

Stinson explained that the grant funds would be used as a voucher program to test known IV drug users for Hepatitis C as she feels that is a population that needs more health study. Continue reading

Officials Cut Ribbon on New INDOT Sub District Facility in Plymouth

Officials cut the ribbon on INDOT’s new Plymouth Sub District facility at 2845 Jack Greenlee Drive located north of U.S. 30 off of Pioneer Drive.

INDOT Commissioner Joe McGuiness from Indianapolis said the former facility off of old U.S. 31 served this part of the district for a number of years.

“Our original facility in Plymouth here served us well for almost 40 years, but it certainly doesn’t have the modern features and amenities that we all desire in today’s workplace,” said Commissioner McGuiness. “This facility is truly state of the art. It has a new main building, the salt building, a full-service garage and eight maintenance bays. It’s 40,000 square feet. The salt building holds about 7,300 tons of salt and about 10,000 gallons of brine.” Continue reading

Plymouth City Council Passes First Reading on Water, Sewer Rate Increase Ordinances

The Plymouth City Council passed the proposed water and sewer rate increase ordinances on first reading Monday night.

During a special meeting held Monday, Oct. 30, the city council learned that with Bay Valley Foods and Del Monte closing at the end of year water and wastewater treatment revenue losses are imminent. To help bridge the gap, an ordinance outlining a one-time raise in the water rate of 12 percent to begin Jan. 1, 2018, was proposed. In addition, an ordinance detailing a three-phase wastewater rate increase was proposed. It would allow for a 10 percent increase in wastewater rates beginning Jan. 1, 2018, with another 10 percent increase on Sept. 2, 2018, and a third 10 percent increase in March of 2019. Continue reading

Marshall County Council Discusses Highway Department Request

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters and Commissioner Kurt Garner went before the county council Monday morning to request funds to complete funding for three Community Crossings grant projects.

Three projects were approved for funding, but with the way the bidding numbers came in only two projects could be fully funded. The highway department is seeking funding for a third project to be funded solely by the county council. Continue reading

Marshall County 4-H Fair Association to Apply for OCRA Grant

The Marshall County Fair Board will be applying for an Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) grant worth $500,000 for a multi-purpose building in the Town of Argos.

An application request was approved by the Marshall County Council members on Monday morning. Marshall County Fair Board Secretary Angel Balsley explained that the project did not receive grant funding in the previous round of OCRA grants but will apply for the additional grant round in February. The date to announce an intention to apply for the grant is Friday, Dec 1. The fee is $150 which will be paid for by the fair board. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will hold a public hearing tonight to gather comments on an amendment to the Culver Zoning Ordinance.

The proposed changes include lowering the number of parking spaces for general commercial businesses in the C2 district, changing the sign ordinance to allow lighted signs, changes to the height and visibility requirements for fences in the L1 district, also changes in the side yard setback area in the L1 district. Additionally, the ordinance creates permit requirements for solar power systems and building permits for roof and shingle replacement. Continue reading

Fall Property Tax Bills Due Today

The second installment of property tax bills is due today.

Mailed payments must have today’s postmark on them in order to be considered on time. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment if you wish to receive a receipt.

Marshall County Treasurer Angie Birchmeier reminds taxpayers that payments can be dropped off in a drop box on the south end of the county building or make payments in person in the treasurer’s office in room 206 in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth. The office will be open until 6 p.m. today only to collect payments. Continue reading