Grant Request Approved for Marshall County Health Department

Marshall County Health Department Administrator Christine Stinson asked the county council to approve a grant request application for a $2,500 mini grant from the Indiana State Association of County and City Health Officers.

Stinson explained that the grant funds would be used as a voucher program to test known IV drug users for Hepatitis C as she feels that is a population that needs more health study.

“With that voucher program, they would come into the health department, get tested for Hepatitis C and HIV and then they would receive a $10 gift card to one of the grocery stores,” commented Stinson. “We’re hoping to test 250 people in one year.”

Stinson should know by Dec. 1 if the county is successful in obtaining the grant.
She told the county commissioners last week that the county does have a relatively low rate of Hepatitis C, but she wants the health department to be aware of additional cases to assess health safety standards in that population.
The county council members unanimously approved the grant request.