The Culver Town Council members continue to work to clean up nuisance properties.
Plymouth Fire Department to Seek Grant
The Plymouth Fire Department will be applying for a grant to help update exercise equipment.
Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today
The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where Jim Griewank will discuss the lighting project and the second reading of a rezoning ordinance will be considered. Reports will be given by Highway Supervisor Jason Peters, EMA Director Clyde Avery County Attorney, Jim Clevenger, and County Auditor Julie Fox.
Fundraiser Ends for Culver-Union Township Fire Truck
The fundraising effort for an aerial fire truck for the Culver-Union Township Fire Department has ended.
Culver Town Council Approves Snow Removal Quote
A snow removal company will clear sidewalks in a snow event for ease of residents in the Culver business district.
Utility Superintendent, Staff Receive Praise from Contractor
Plymouth Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson and his staff were commended by the officials of Kokosing Industrial who worked on upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Plymouth BOW Discusses Complete Streets Proposal
The City of Plymouth now has a Complete Streets plan.
Bremen Town Council Reschedules Final December Meeting
The Bremen Town Council members discussed the holiday schedule when they met this week.
Culver Christmas Caroling and Tree Lighting Tonight
The Town of Culver will welcome in the holiday season tonight with the annual Christmas caroling and tree lighting ceremony.
Plymouth City Council Approves Tax Abatement for American Containers, Inc.
A Plymouth manufacturing company will engage in an expansion project in order to increase efficiency and profits with the goal of retaining 61 current employees and remain competitive in the market. A few new employees will also be hired in the process.
Bremen Officials Assembling Downtown Revitalization Committee
The Bremen Town Council members are looking for residents to be part of a committee to go through a planning grant received for the proposed 2020 downtown revitalization project.
Culver Town Council Approves 2019 Salary Ordinance
The Culver Town Council members held the first reading of the 2019 salary ordinance Tuesday night.
Plymouth City Council Endorses Resolution for Highway Name Dedication
A stretch of U.S. 30 in Plymouth could be renamed next year if a resolution passes in the General Assembly.
Bremen Town Council to Consider Use Policy at Compost Site
Those living outside the Bremen town limits may soon be permitted to drop off brush, leaves, grass clippings, or other yard waste at the town compost facility in 2019.
Culver Town Council Adopts Rezoning Ordinance
The Culver Town Council reviewed an ordinance Tuesday night that would rezone a parcel between 18600 State Road 10 and 18550 State Road 10 from Residential-1 to Commercial-2.
John Glenn School Board to Review 2019-2020 School Calendar
The John Glenn School Board members reviewed the 2019-2020 school calendar when it was presented at their most recent meeting.
Plymouth City Council Discusses Pay Raise for Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer
The Plymouth mayor and clerk-treasurer will be getting a raise in 2019.
Marshall County to Receive Reimbursement Money from Flooding Event
Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters informed the county commissioners last week about a FEMA reimbursement from the February flooding event.
John Glenn School Board Approves Early Graduate Requests
Eight John Glenn High School seniors will be graduating early.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight where they will consider the second and third readings of an ordinance that would rezone certain property within the jurisdiction of the town and its two-mile jurisdiction.