Be Prepared for Severe Weather

Winter hasn’t produced much snow so far this season, but Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery wants all residents to be prepared for when inclement weather strikes.

He said it’s important to prepare an emergency kit for your vehicle.

“That includes jumper cables, a bag of kitty litter in case you get stuck in the snow, a little shovel or snow shovel if you can fit it in there, some additional winter clothes or blankets in case you do happen to get stranded for a short period of time – just be ready for those events when they happen.  We know they’re going to come.  It’s just a matter of when it happens,” said Avery. 

Last year produced a historic flooding event in February and Avery urges those who live in flood-prone areas to monitor rising waters.

“The winter results in the ground freezing and then we get a lot of rain at one time and there’s nowhere for it to go.  It doesn’t get absorbed into the ground so we end up with a lot of standing water.  We end up with a lot of water running off into the creeks and rivers causing those to rise significantly.  Those areas that are prone to flooding need to be monitoring the situation, looking for information that we put out through my office and the National Weather Service, and then take the appropriate actions to keep themselves and their properties safe.”

For more information about emergency preparedness or if you would like to seek help in preparing an emergency plan, call Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery at 574-936-3740.