Marshall County Commissioners Updated on Clocktower Renovation

Midwest Maintenance Project Manager Jamie Giguere and Foreman Jerry Hazeltine gave the Marshall County Commissioners an update Monday morning on the Courthouse Clocktower Renovation project.

It will not be done by this Saturday’s Restoration and Rededication Observance ceremony for the courthouse’s 150th Anniversary, although attempts were made to do so.  The event is set to begin at 11 a.m. ET on the east steps of the courthouse.

Giguere said things are close to being done after more than a year working on the extensive renovation project.

“The clock faces were put up last Thursday,” stated Giguere. “They’re not installed yet.  We have to bring in a crane to set them. Once those are set then we’re going to start reinstalling the clock. We have scheduled for the 23rd, weather pending, to start setting the columns.  We’ll bring another crane in – we’ll have to tear down part of the scaffolding in order to bring them up and over.”

He added that the scaffolding will be coming down in mid-July and the landscaping should be complete by the end of July. 

Hazeltine mentioned that the columns are the last installment for the carpenters.

Hazeltine added,  “We’ll get our painters up there. They’re already starting as far as the caulking and the priming of the copper and all of that. They’re already getting their steps ahead.  That’s what they’ll be working on this week. We have our copper guy – he’ll be installing new roofs above the eyebrows. Other than that, that’s where we’re at.”

Overall renovation included the rehabilitation of the clock tower at the top of the courthouse, along with some limestone cleaning and masonry work, new windows, and painting.