Marshall County Sheriff to Apply for Grants

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel recently asked both the Marshall County Council and the Marshall County Commissioners for permission to apply for two grants to assist with different efforts this year.

He said one grant is the CHIRP grant. 

“The CHIRP grant, which is a combination of the Operation Pull Over and the DUI Task Force, is now called the Comprehensive Highway Injury Reduction Program,” said Hassel.

The grant is for about $40,000 and goes to pay officers overtime for participating in various enforcement efforts throughout the year.   

Sheriff Hassel also asked to apply for the annual Marine Patrol Assistance Grant for Lake Maxinkuckee for $10,000.  He noted that the DNR has already approved the grant, but he said he forgot to request permission to apply for that grant.

The Marshall County Council members and the Marshall County Commissioners approved the grant requests with unanimous votes in their respective meetings.