Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Updated on Aquatic Center

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members were updated on the Aquatic Center during their meeting Tuesday night.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi reminded the members that a public hearing on an additional appropriation in the amount of $150,000 will be considered during the Plymouth City Council meeting on Monday, February 22 around 6:30 p.m. at the Plymouth City Building.  The money will fund the operations of the Aquatic Center through 2021.  The meeting will also be available virtually through Zoom.  A link will be provided on the city’s website.

Additionally, Surrisi said he and Mayor Mark Senter attended a court hearing on behalf of the Marshall County Health and Wellness, Inc., the primary leasing entity of the Aquatic Center that has lawsuit pending against Rick Miller.  Miller requested the court to reconsider the entry of default judgment which was granted.  This will allow Miller’s attorneys to respond to the complaint.