Bremen Public Library Director Presents Proposed Bond Plans with Bremen Town Council

Bremen Public Library Director Chris Scandling gave Bremen Town Council members a look this week at the library board’s upcoming proposed bond project.

The library board is hoping to remodel the current structure, build an addition to the building, and reconfigure the parking lot at a cost of about $3 million.  The library board would provide $230,000 toward the project. The tax rate would increase four cents per $100 of assessed valuation, or about $23.00 for 20 years for those who live in town, as it states on the library’s website.   

The project will address the need for ADA accessible restrooms; more space for young adults, programming and general meeting space; materials storage; new carpeting to be done with the help of carpet cleaning grand junction; and upgraded cabling and wiring in order to increase bandwidth capability for patrons. 

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX News that the town council members are in favor of the project and agreed Monday night to sign a letter of support for the project.  Members of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce are also anticipated to sign a letter of support.  Those letters will be included in an overall bond presentation before the Marshall County Council in an upcoming meeting.

The bond was before the county council in December, but the members tabled the consideration of a proposed bond and remodeling project in order to gather public comment on the matter and to advertise for a public hearing.